Dreams Won't Cut It!

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A Visionary With A Grip Of Reality

visionary, reality check, spotify, amazon, grip on realityWhen Apple decided to launch iPod, iPhone, and the iPad, there were many players already doing well, but they were able to displace the others with their strategic positioning. They saw that they could put in little extra to what was already available and create a niche for themselves. Dropbox, AirBnB, Spotify, Mint, Amazon.com were all the late movers who entered already crowded markets. But they saw the market in a totally different light than the one created by the pioneer. They were able to change the rules of the game by being able to pick the pain points of the existing offerings and convert that to their strengths, in order to gain competitive edge over the pioneers. They used the same platform, but polished their offerings in such a way that they tilted the market to their side. Thus, though entrepreneurs might not be able to create a totally new industry, while entering an existing market, they should have a firm grip on the reality. They should first understand how the market works, and what different they can do to make their offerings better than the others.