Do Teddy Bears make Companies more Ethical?

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Do Teddy Bears make Companies more Ethical?
Fremont: What is your first reaction when you see a huge cuddly teddy bear, or a box of crayons, or a drawing made by young kids? Does that make you admire it or take you back to your childhood memories? Or both? According to a research published in the Harvard Business Review by Sheedhari D Desai and her colleague Francesca Gino, stuffed toys, crayons or any such cues from childhood have a powerful aura, which can propel people away from unethical actions. It is an often noted fact, that adults tend to be more careful of their behavior when around children, and be more careful so as not to be a bad influence on them. So what is with these things used by kids, which have such an effect on grownups? Remember when you were small; you used to hug a toy when you were unable to sleep. Kids' rooms are docked with adorable stuff toys, cartoons, comics, and more which have a soothing effect on them. Why do people gift stuffed toys to their beloved ones (including grownups) on birthdays and anniversaries? So the power of these cuddly creatures can't be ignored. Companies like Google, IBM which provide day-care option to employees have been oft ranked as the best employers. Having kids around reduces the stress level and brightens up the environment. Many employees carry photos of their kids, or drawings made by them to their workspace. This again has a smoothening effect on them. Though the experiment was carried out in controlled environments, it may still have a benefit of doubt for companies to introduce teddy bears in boardrooms, where the temperatures are seen soaring and the titans clash. If the research is validated, it can open a whole new horizon to foster ethical behavior by organizations in a time where corporate frauds and malpractices are on a rise. So according to you should companies have stuffed toys, cartoon characters' toys and kids' drawings and other such stuff to offices? We would like to hear from you. Share your thoughts as comments below.