U.S. Wants India To Review Telecom Equipment's Testing Policy

The US continues to be concerned about the proposed "Toys and Toy Products (Compulsory Registration) Order" being considered by the government of India.

USTR said this, if implemented, would impose onerous and time consuming registration obligations on US toy companies and conformity assessment burdens that are "dramatically higher than those found in any other country".

The report also said India's biotechnology regulatory and approval system prohibits the importation of food and agricultural products containing ingredients derived from biotech crops such as corn and soybeans, with soybean oil being the sole exception.

USTR said India has also not addressed its concerns with regard to the "Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Rules of 2007" that introduced a new registration system for cosmetics products that US industry believes to be "overly burdensome and costly, and lead to unnecessary delays to market for companies' products".

The US discusses TBT matters with India in various fora including the TBT Committee, the United States - India Trade Policy Forum (TPF), the United States - India Commercial Dialogue, and the High-Technology Cooperation Group.

The two countries also engage in ad hoc bilateral discussions, it said.

For example, the US and India conducted a digital video conference on standards and conformity assessment on December 12, 2012.

Similar conferences are planned for 2013, the report said.

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Source: PTI