Top 10 Favourite Countries For High-Tech Companies

#8 Denmark

This European county is one of the richest countries in terms of culture and wealth. Thus it is no surprise why 11 percent of the publicly listed top high-tech companies prefer to carry out their corporate activities on this land.


#7 France

Haute couture Fashion, delicious food and a mecca for modern art; France has one of the biggest economies in the world. Due to its central location, this country is a magnet for high-tech companies and conjugates 11 percent of publicly listed high-tech industries.


#6 Israel

Located on the south-eastern shore of the Mediterranean sea, this middle eastern country provides strong government backing. It is one of the major reasons why 15 percent of the publicly listed companies in high-tech industries opt for Israel.


#5 South Korea

Playing market host to companies like Samsung and LG, South Korea had the biggest exporters of electronic device and gadgets in the world. It acquires 16 percent of the publicly listed companies in high-tech industries, making it a hot spot location of top tech companies.

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