The Only Thrust Of Tech World: Moore's Law

Why is Moore’s Law yet Ticking?

The thing is that, Moore’s law is only valid in computing sphere, and plenty of other industries are not that fortunate. While computers found home in pockets, there are no commercial supersonic airplanes, home fusion reactors, or the cars with 1000 miles per gallon. But with computing industry it’s about bits, not atoms.  

"Automobiles and planes are dealing with the physical world," physical entities like trying to match speed of sound, the size of vehicle, and the human mass it should carry, said Sam Fuller, chief technology officer of Analog Devices, a chipmaker that is older than Intel."Computing and information processing doesn't have that limitation. There's no fundamental size or weight to bits. You don't necessarily have the same constraints you have in these other industries. There potentially is a way forward,” Mayberry added.

The industrial optimists, including Moore, thinks that, the law may cease its credibility, and like all good things come to end, and at some points the limitation of the law for physical quantities may win over. And other technological innovations may take the computing world from the point the law ceases to move on.