The 10 Most Significant Contributors to Medical Sciences

9. Anton van Leeuwenhoek

The contribution provided by this Dutch scientist to the field of microbiology was immense earning him the title ‘Father of Microbiology’. Leeuwenhoek  was keen in observing microorganisms which he called as ‘animalcules’ through his microscope. Many disease causing micro-organisms were  discovered with the assistance of Anton’s findings.

8. Paul Ehrlich

Paul Enrinch is well known for his input in the field of immunology, hematology and chemotherapy. He discovered antibodies that helped to neutralize the toxins in the body thus increasing the immunity. He was honored with the Noble price in Medicine in 1908.

7.William Harvey

He reinvented the long believed concept about the function of circulatory system. Harvey was able to explain in detail the properties of blood and how heart pumped blood to different parts of the body and back to the heart. He described how the valve functions during blood circulation which left a trail that led to the modern cardiology.
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