Indian-American Community Demands Justice for Dharun Ravi

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 30 April 2012, 22:55 IST   |    2 Comments
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Around 13,749 people signed a petition on the White House website and another 2000 signed local petitions demanding for the re-examination of the case. "We want to know why Dharun Ravi is charged with a hate crime, but the people charged with attacking an Indian family and beating the father to death are not," said Sandeep Sharma, a business partner of Ravi’s father, pointing out the case of Divendu Sinha, an Indian who was killed by five Old Bridge teenagers in the year 2010.

The Indian-Americans offering support to Ravi includes some influential people in business and politics as well; such as Victor Khubani, a billionaire who has hold in television marketing and real estate, and Peter (Pradip) Kothari, a politician and founder of the Indian-American Business Association.

"Ravi did something wrong, but that does not imply a hate crime," Kothari said. "There was no violence. For this community, which endured so much intimidation and physical violence, to see this young man accused of a hate crime is very disturbing."