Indian Teens and Parents divided by the Growing Digital World

47 percent of the teens surveyed said they use internet to search for information on test answers or for their assignments. One fifth of the teenagers in the survey admitted that they use their mobile phones to cheat and there were 21 percent who have found advance methods to cheat which they learned online. Out of the surveyed parents 30 percent were concerned about this behavior of their children, 22 percent did not care about it.

 31 percent of the teens surveyed had personal meetings with acquaintances whom they have met online and only 17 percent of the parents knew about it.  Access to porn and nudity online was used by one fifth of the surveyed teens on daily basis. 32 percent of parents knew about it; but they were not aware about the frequency .  About 37 percent of teens visited websites asked not to visit by their parents, of which only 20 percent of the parents were aware off. 26 percent of the teens polled were forced or pressurized to post or send their reveling pictures online.

These findings do show the growing gap between parent and children , caused by the increasing involvement of the teens in the digital world. Parents are known to decrease the level of watch, over their children’s behavior and indulgence as they get older and the young adults also incline towards veiling their online activities from their parents as time passes. 


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