Google Never Wanted Motorola To Build An Ultimate Android Phone

“Motorola wanted to work more closely with the Google team that develops natural language processing technologies, which help computers understand naturally-spoken phrases rather than a limited set of commands. Deeply integrating such technology with Motorola hardware could enable people to use a much wider array of voice commands and speed up the time it took for the Smartphone to respond to commands,” the report said.

Obviously, the small accomplishments in this area could have helped Motorola to become prominent in the crowd. But Larry Page was hesitant to provide Motorola with the access to Google’s resource due to the fear of isolating Android partners, such as HTC or Samsung. Hence Page apparently forbade any cooperation between Motorola and the Android, but he did allow Motorola to collaborate with YouTube, which did not help much and the other teams subbed Motorola as well as it “lacked scale”.  In addition Google didn’t grant Motorola the marketing funds, which would have permitted it to take on with the giants like Samsung.

Efrati emphasizes the fact that Google had never tried to make Motorola its hardware arm. The $12.5 billion acquisition made by Google was more about patents, and the sale to Lenovo was not the sudden change of mind that some depicted it to be.  

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