9 Valuable Tips on Online Reputation Management for CIOs

8. Expand Web Presence:

The primary goal of a CIO should be to cover at least the first ten results on a search engine. This way you will be in a position to ward off the negative reports at least from the first page. This will also help in showing your dominance over a particular topic. This can be achieved by spreading your web presence using platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, YouTube, and Twitter. Google views these reviews as trustworthy and often displays them first.

7. If Necessary, Limit Yourself To LinkedIn:

Managing content on all the social networking platforms can be difficult and thus sometimes CIOs face a situation where they need to choose from all the available platforms. If your company faces the same situation try limiting to LinkedIn as these profiles are ranked higher than all other social networking platforms and it does makes sense as people search for B@B companies mostly on LinkedIn.