9 Notorious Threats to Cloud Computing Security

#1 Data Breaches:

The first and foremost target of an attacker trying to go for a data breach is the design flaw. A single design flaw in a multitenant cloud service database always leads to a data breach spree, not just that client’s data, but every other client’s data as well.

CSA illustrated the magnitude of this breach showcasing a research paper describing how a virtual machine could use side-channel timing information to extract private cryptographic keys in use by other VMs on the same server.

#2 Data Loss:

According to CSA, Data loss is the second major threat to cloud computing environment. Here users helplessly have to see data disappear without their concern. These deleted data never leave a trace or trait, so they can’t be retrieved once they are deleted. Despite hackers attacking, enterprises can also lose their data to a careless cloud service provider, where a data probably is left without any encryptions.

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