5 Services To Make Linux Desktops Enterprise-Ready


Even though with the persistence of the fact that the Outlook is the best and it cannot be replaced,some slight tweaks and a little bit of add-ons or plugins can make Outlook look like a past story. With the addition of two plugins- Exquilla and Lightning Exchange Provider, it is now possible to connect with the user’s personal Exchange server. This setup can be marked as a very business- friendly, enterprise- ready email system.


Are you in search for software that can create a professionally looking PDF document? Then here is it, Scribus. Now you might be thinking why I need Scirbus when I have LibreOffice which obviously can create and easily export documents to PDF? Well, the answer is Scribus is more professional. Layers, transparencies, frames, CMYK support, ICC profile support, PDF, EPS, SVG import, and much more can help to create professional brochures, pamphlets, interactive PDFS (with fields and forms), training manuals, and even books.

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