5 Mistakes Which Are Worth Millions

2. Post-it Notes

When Dr. Spencer Silver was struggling to come up with super glue in 1970, he failed drastically and came up with a mediocre adhesive. All his hopes went down to the dumps.

Years later, one of the colleagues of Spencer, Arthur Fry used this glue to mark his hymnal book. This attracted Arthur and he sold the idea to 3M.

3M took the idea seriously and launched the first Post-it Notes in 980 and it was a huge success. Today, imagining life without Post-it Notes is kind of impossible for most of the people.

3. Silly Putty

Kids just love to play with a toy, which bounces, can be broken and fixed instantly, which can be given any shape!  Silly Putty is the only toy that matches all these requirements of any kids. Silly Putty is a silicone polymer that has all the above mentioned characteristics.

Silly Putty came into existence when an engineer, James Wright was trying to produce artificial rubber after the World War II. After a lot of attempts, he finally came up with a substance which was no ways close to rubber but had some unusual characteristics.

Eventually, the kids got a new toy that fits their requirement!

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