12 Self-Made Teen Millionaires

#11 Chris Phillips
Biz: Dot5Hosting
Net-worth:  $10Million
In 2002, Chris Phillips was just 17 when he made his first million by launching Dot5Hosting, a web hosting and e-commerce company.  It was a time when internet was just starting to gain world-wide user-ship and young Chris made his entry among the millionaire ranks through Dot5Hosting, which provided services to several e-commerce sites, with several domain names registered. Two years later, he landed the 13th spot among the richest teens in the U.K. Ever since then; this young Brit has been earning 10 Million Dollars annually.

#10 Fraser Doherty
Biz: Super Jam Retailers
Net-worth: $2Million
14 year old Fraser Doherty’s Scottish grandmother taught him how to make Jam by sharing her secret recipe with him. Fraser’s homemade jam became an instant success in and around his neighborhood in Edinburgh. At 16, Fraser tweaked the recipe here and there and branded it as “Super Jam”. He dropped out of school and worked full time to carry out his flagship Jam. In 2007, he struck a deal with a popular supermarket chain in London who began stocking his products in their 184 outlets. By 2009, Fraser had hit over $1.2 million in sales. He even published “The Superjam Cookbook”, available for sale through Amazon.