10 Phobia's Most Widespread Among People

6 The Dark
Fear from dark is the one of the most common fears among children. As said by Thomas Ollendick, professor of psychology and director of the Child Study Center at Virginia Tech "What always amazes us are the thoughts or beliefs that kids have,” she adds “Kids believe everything imaginable, that in the dark robbers might come or they could get kidnapped, or someone might come and take their toys away." If this anxiety reaches extreme level in a grown child it leads to phobia called nyctophobia.

5 Harrowing Heights
This is the most common phobia among people, the fear of heights. It’s called acrophobia suffered by 3 percent to 5 percent population in the U.S. A study conducted by the Royal Society, the test to estimate the level of acrophobia, participants were made to stand at ground level and judge the height of a building and then from the top of the same building. The ones who were most afraid judged the building to be much taller than the rest. The acrophobics seem to see the building taller, which evokes the fear.

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