10 Best Companies In Cloud Computing

#9 Joyent offers powerful low cost alternative for big data centers

Joyent is offering affordable cloud computing services to companies says it’s Co-founder Jason Hoffmann. The company is competing with its rivals namely VMware, OpenStack and Citrix in offering its own cloud computing services.
Joyent claims to have more than 30,000 customers which include big names like LinkedIn, Intel, Dell, EMC and Telefonica – a Spanish phone company. Facebook investor Peter Andreas Theil is also one of their major investors.

#8 Citrix System is taking on VMware with some success

Citrix offers software for clouds and it has two main rivals at hand. They are VMware and an association of vendors who have built an open source, free cloud operating system called OpenStack.
To show some competition to OpenStack, Citrix gave its software called CloudStack to Apache Foundation, a non-profit group that handles popular open source projects. This initiation helped people make a choice between buying VMware’s vCloud and OpenStack. Citrix has its own commercial version and referring people to CloudStack intends in helping Citrix sell more of its other data center software that holds competition with VMware.

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