10 Best Business Movies


#9 Informant

If you watch the movie “Informant”, you will come to know that it is funny as well as confusing and baffling that you can’t believe something of this sort would ever happen. Matt Damon plays the lead role Mark Whitacre. He appears to be a lunatic to the audience as he does things which are absurd and perplexing. He also baffles the audience with self narration which makes him more complicated.

In the movie, Whitacre becomes the major witness to an illegal price fixing gambit at an agri-business company. He gets involved in the foul play and the cops cannot find out what at all he is getting out of the whole thing until the end of the movie. We get haunted of the ins and outs of the business world, the treachery and cheating behind each ‘give-and-take’s. Thus the movie , to a far extent makes us troubled, and if you want to get sick, just read the story of what happened to Whitacre afterwards, appears on the screen just before the credits.