11 Ingredients That Can Spell Disaster For IT

10. DO NOT Sign SLA’s With Internal Customers

When dealing with internal customers, more often than not it has become a trend to make the ‘internal customers’ sign a SLA and treat it like a contract. This leads to assessments of SLA’s at regular basis which does not make sense. In order to make a business a success, these dealings should be left on trust that if in any circumstance there is a failure IT will fix it no matter what.

9. DO NOT Spread User’s Slowness

There can be instances that the user might have no clue about the most basic of things, and it is possible that you might find them to be funny enough to share with our colleagues. But in all possibilities, avoid mouthing such gossips or you can be at the receiving end for having no respect for co-workers and this cannot be good for the growth of your reputation.


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