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Advice Request
Ynanjunda Swamy
Ynanjunda Swamy

Ynanjunda Swamy

Program Manager

US Based MNC in Bangalore

Awards and Recognitions
I am a self motivator! I got the biggest yearly Customer Recognition award in Silver category in the year 2010. I got several recognitions, quarterly awards, Certificates etc
Excellence in Management
I have added many values adds to my organization. I initiated process re-engineering to push for process improvements. I automated many tasks which used to take lot of time. I designed several databases to help the team to the best. I am leading a highly technical team to do the high end analytics
Important career decisions
I am a mechanical engineer. I think the major decision was to move into IT industry where my heart and soul reside. I never took up mechanical job again.
Tech Management matters more on
It is a win-win situation for both Organization and Technical manager. Organization gets benifit of his experience in leading most complicated projects. Manager gets the managerial experience to handle risky situations, tough employee, conflict resolution etc.
Current Job description
I am working as a Program Manager in one of the leading US based companies. I am leading team of highly talented, enthustiastic and skilled people. We do high end analytics and generate dashboards for executive committee members. We are working on several projects which helps the organization to increase the revenue.
Influenced by
Current- Richard Brownson(founder of Virgin Group). Because at this 50s he is like a 20 year old boy. He always comesup with different creative ideas. He heads an empire which has more than 400 companies in it. He is building the spacecraft to help people travel to space. He has travelled all over earch on hot bolloon.
Historical - Swami Vivekananda. He was not a man! He was a sphere of positive attitute. If you just read him you don't have to read any thing on positive thinking. He gave a call to yough to wake up! He showed how limitless posibilities can be acheived.
Family background
My father was an attender in State Govn office. Mom is house wife. My wife works for BWSSB as an Assistant Engineer. I have a lovely daughter Sinchana who is just 3.5 yrs old. I have a brother who works for a legal organization. My sister who is married works in Police department as a cleark.
More about me
My whole life journey is 'Be Positive', When you dream ...dream really BIG. Aim for Stars, you will defintely land in sky one day
Handling Grievances
I use only one mantra Communicate. I speak to employee personally and try to figure out what could have caused the problem. There could be several reasons for his concern. It could be a collegue, Money, Environment, family situations. After finding out exact reason I will help employee to come out of that situation slowly. I will give him all the support from Organization level.
Team Management
I encourage fully energetic, proactive, highly skilled, team players. I would expect all the team members to participate in the company events. I will arrange fun activities, team building activities to build bond between them. We have also initiated birth day celebrations so that the employee feels happy.
Ensuring Growth
Lean everyday. I think nothing stands infront of learing. I keep reading books related to my work and new IT concepts. I am open to suggestions from all the sides. My employees can walk over to me anytime with a suggestion.
Managing personal and professional life
I emphasise on work-life balance. If you just concentrate on one other suffers. Even though I spend less time with my family I make sure that when my wife gets a holiday I take leave or work from home so that she feels happy. I maintain high level rapport with my employees as well. I have good relationship with my stakeholder, which helps me to keep going.
My advice
Have a vision. A leader always sees the future. Don't just look at the current tasks. Start building your second level to make you redundant! Be frank for your employees and your customers. Never compramise on pressure situations.
Leadership qualities
Unbiased attitute. He should not differentiate between his employees. He should take action when it is needed at the right time. He should not worry even if he gets the notation as TOUGH.
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