
Mayucious Mayu Kanu

Mayucious Mayu Kanu
B.Tech/B.E. bio technology

About Mayucious Mayu Kanu

i am mayucious i am doing business i have company in tuticorin F.X.I.ROSEMALAR INDUSTRIES fish net manufacturing EXPORTER AND IMPORTER and bio fertilizes to sri lank i have big fishnet shop in colombo and jaffna my future plane put one bio fertilizer company. and whatever you manufacturing you sent me the quotations.

Mayucious Mayu Kanu ’s experience

Quality Control   at   F.X.I.ROSEMALAR INDUSTRIES , Tuticorin, INDIA
January 2010 – January 2010
Industry: Fertilizers/Pesticides
Functional area: Manufacturing Of Fishnet
quality control or productions of bio fertilizer and bio

Mayucious Mayu Kanu ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [bio technology],
pavendhar bharathidasan college of engg and tech [May,2009] , Trichy, INDIA

Mayucious Mayu Kanu ’s additional information

new technology to use the new technology to find out bio fertilizer and bio tech related product to produce and sales like spirulina scp fishing line is very important for all in sea there are lot of product to got from seaweeds
Awards and achievements:
i am state level football player
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