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Advice Request
Visukumar Gopal
Visukumar Gopal

Visukumar Gopal

Practice Manager


Handling Grievances
By listening, I understand the grievance from the employee first and check with stakeholders whether they have already taken action on that, otherwise will discuss with them to address the grievance quickly, later update the employee with timelines when her/his grievance close by our end. I will make sure if the employee satisfied with the way her/his grievance dealt and addressed by team after resolved it. Also followup on the timeline which given to the employee, help the team to accomplish on or before the timeline promised.
More about me
If any employee come with grievance, they have to be listened by leaders first then they have to know when it will be addressed and how it will be closed. This will build more trust on that leader and this will spread the positive message across the organization.
My advice
Upcoming leaders should be flexible to adopt the technology changes, leading the people through collaboration and have different strategy for execution.

The ability to get along with others is a necessary skill for throughout their career. Nowadays Leaders are not only a team player, they have to play coach role and develop the people who are in trouble and groom them to advance in their professional life.

Truthful and Honest feedbacks really help for the smooth execution and for future also.

Leaders should have a mind set to treat the team members as Human Beings, rather than to manage them as Human Resources. if leaders are looking for a new edge and a competitive advantage to position their organization & their career for success in the long run, then they have to change the mindset to lead “Human Beings”, not to manage “Human Resources”.
Tech Management matters more on
When the requirements come from the customers, tech managers should understand the customer's wants and needs clearly before they define the scope of the work. Also they have to develop certain personal competencies for building relationships to collaborate with other teams and within her/his own team members. Sometimes they have to play people manager role also. In the matrix organizations most of the time tech managers are not owning their team members. if they help to achive team members' goals and career progress, one day they can also become a leader and move from managing mode to leading mode.
My views on India Technical development
We are not much focusing on R&D and not much investment happening for R&D. Also people who are getting into research, not getting enough support financially, no sponsorships from big firms.

Many people quit research and moved to other countries due to non recognition of their effort and non availability of the support which required to accomplish their research.

Mnay students and young people should involve in research and develop the products to global standard.
Managing personal and professional life
Planing,Time Management, Setting expectations and avoiding procrastination helps me to do many activities without mistakes in my personal and professional life.
Influenced by
Many people influenced me during my travels and many authors through their books, but most influenced person is my dad (Mr.Gopal). He has influenced me in many ways, he preached me what he practiced and what he missed to practice too. His leadership skills demonstrated well from his school life and as a family head for 50+ years. He took family responsibility at his age of 17 after his parents left him with a small property and 9 siblings ( 3 brothers and 6 sisters ). He taught me look "in" and rather than look "out" for solutions to any kind of problems.
Awards and Recognitions
•Best Performer of the Year award for Champion Activities from PMI India
•Syntel CEO’s appreciation letter for LEAN Corporate Training Program
•Long Service Award from CEO & COO of Syntel
•STAR Achiever Award by National Integrity Cultural Academy for Viruksha Trust Activities
• Gold Award for Excellent Project Management (Transition and Process Mgmt) – GE Software Solutions
•Best Team Work Award for Initiative and Team Work – GE Energy DBA Support
•ACE Award for Outstanding Efforts & Demonstrated GE Values
•Bronze Award for Leadership skills (SQA Lead for GESS DM Services)
•STAR SQA Award for Extensive Performance as SQA in GECIS Software COE
Current Job description
Being part of CEO's Office as a Practice Manager, Leading the LEAN Enterprise for Business Excellence and Leading the Project Management Excellence Initiatives at Corporate level.
Ensuring Growth
Continuous Learning, Listening the feedback, Leverage the options, Look ahead the needs & trends, Link the like minded people for a common social cause and Leading the people to leave the legacy.
Leadership qualities
Leader has to learn the skills everyday and build them by practice it every day. Leader should have a visionary mind and lovable soul. A Leader should create a strategy for life, she/he should know the importance of staying humble, having the discipline to keep up the promises always and most importantly focusing on bettering the lives of people who around her/him. First they have to be a servant to become a leader. Volunteering will give more opportunity to learn the Leadership skills.
Team Management
Team has to respect each other talents, knowledge, skills and experience. Communications should be transparent among the team and help others to achieve their goals. They should call each other by first name only, not using any other prefix or suffix. They should bring out others unleashing talent and that can be utilized for team and organization success.
Important career decisions
Moved from Vehicle Finance Business to Technology Position (DBA), then Technology to Process Management, Process Management to Project Management, Project Management to People Management, then moved into Strategy Management. Every 3 years once changing to different role and different levels ( Operational to Strategic ) helped me to learn, listen and Lead successfully my career.
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