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Advice Request
Vinita Srivastava
Vinita Srivastava

Vinita Srivastava

Director at CVResources

Cosmic Vision Resources Pvt Ltd


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Influenced by
I have been influenced the most by my mother as she is the one who has pulled me from every troughs and helped me fight the situations. And also my husband who stands by me in all the situations and teaches me to be calm and patient.
Handling risky decision
Yes. The riskiest of all being when I co partnered a loss making company and accepted to become the director at just a span of 6 years of service. I had all the risk of closing down but to the contrary I have expanded the business to newer domains (despite all odds).
Couple of years from now
I see my company and myself being flashed as one of the most sort after manpower consulting companies in India and later globally.
Concept of Analyst
An analyst is the one who sees and understands the things hidden behind the very obvious and visible things. He calculates and judges the pros and cons of the matter ; then only he goes ahead.
Initiative taken by professionals to develop a country
Professionals need to concentrate on the growth prospects and the growing strategy of the country . They should not be a part of rat race but should endeavor to build that extra edge that could help the coming generations to grow and excel.
Upcoming trends
The growing HR trends; the concept of social recruiting and networking has a very bright future in our industry. These concepts are immensely helpful for our domain.
Qualities require to be successful
To be successful, strongly believe that one should have huge patience with an ambitious mind and heart..
Current Job Description
I am an entrepreneur; engaged in providing human capital solutions to my esteemed clients and helping them grow with the company. I am holding the position of a director and have responsibility of sailing the entire ship.
My thought on education system in India
Education system in India has seen a lot of changes these days; the way we were taught earlier and the way exams and pressure of reference books were there in our times seem to be absent these days. This is because of the obvious reason of technology enhancement. I believe , here in India we should emphasize on that area or the stream which interests the students from the very beginning. Because there is no use doing an engineering course and then again an MBA and ultimately doing collection or sales job for a Bank. Moreover the creative part of a child should be developed more.
My achievements
I have overcome my fear of not speaking my mind. I can speak up my mind now even if I am wrong at times.Also I have started running one company which I had never thought I would be able to do.
Avoiding mistake and connecting right dots
"Practice what you preach" is the best thing I apply to my life. In order to connect right dots I place the dots in a way that they do not intersect. Hence it becomes simple for me to have a balance and give justice to both my professional and personal life. Also if you empathize and understand the matter in a way that they are happening to you, you will not have to think for a while decisions will just flow.
My advice to professionals
A leader should be a very strong strong team player who understands the meaning of working with the people and for the people.
Important decision taken
The decision of leaving home at the age of 16 for a better future was something really tough. It was very hard to leave behind my parents and stay in a place less known to me; traveling in the local train just to reach the college. This was really hard to have left my home for Graduation in Kolkata and from there to Delhi for post graduation.But now I think this is something that has made me for what I am today.
My Strongest Skill
My strongest professional skill is that I keep my professional and emotional part at two distinct places. I do not mix them up.
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