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Advice Request
Vijay Kalantri
Vijay Kalantri

Vijay Kalantri




Vijay Kalantri is a member of:

- Expert
Problems that SMEs face in Maharashtra today:
Despite its commendable contribution to the Nations economy, SMEs faces a
number of problems. Absence of adequate and timely banking finance,
limited capital and knowledge, non-availability of suitable technology,
low production capacity, ineffective marketing strategy, constraints on
modernization & expansions, non availability of highly skilled
labour at affordable cost, follow up with various government agencies to
resolve problems are some of the challenges SMEs face.
of the overall sympathy and some incentives extended by both the Union
and Maharashtra Governments to SMEs, the small units find it extremely
difficult to get timely and adequate finance. There is problem of rising
input costs, dearer fuel prices, rising power costs which have resulted
in higher transport costs, deteriorating road conditions which take a
heavy toll on time and money.
Because of falling stock prices, you
cannot raise money by Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). The government is
keen to help small units by encouraging them to issue share capital.
However the current situation is not ripe for this and the financial
problems of SMEs continue.
Lack of trained manpower continues to
haunt the small sector. As they are worker-intensive and not
capital-intensive shortage of good workers continues to dog the small
sector.Most MSME units get into the weak or sick mode within the first
16 months of operation. Entrepreneurs often don’t foresee basic glitches
such as delays in repayment schedule, postponement of commercial
production and problems in capacity utilization etc.
Activities undertaken by AIAI:
Since its inception, AIAIs primary goal has been to serve the many needs
of Indias industrial and business communities. It provides an effective
platform to address the issues relating to trade and industry to the
Government both at Central and State levels. Apart from regular
seminars, workshops and organizing trade delegations’ meets, it is
making several submissions on regulatory and reform processes.
is in the forefront of trade organizations and is honored by Dept. of
Post and Telegraph with a special cover in recognition its useful work.
It is also authorized by the Government of India to issue Certificate of
Origin to exporters.
AIAI has signed over 170 co-operation
agreements with trade promotion bodies and chambers of commerce all over
the world. It leads in setting up trade and industry-related arms. 
These include Young Entrepreneurs’ Society, Indo-Polish Chamber of
Commerce and Indo-Mauritius Chamber of Commerce.
My role and responsibilities as a President:
To inspire the staff and getting best out of them to make AIAI one step
ahead of other trade associations.
Key achievements of AIAI:
AIAI is much more than an industry organization. It has set up to play a
tailor-made role to promote the interests of trade, business and
industry.   It is the only trade organization in the country which is
deeply committed to promote micro enterprises.
It has taken up the
initiative to Indian artisans and craftsmen by promoting their products
by various marketing endorsements.
It has adopted “Sagar Upvan”,
owned by Bombay Port Trust.  The garden has a variety of medicinal
plants, sea-shore plants and it is an ideal background for jogging.
Future plans for 2012:
AIAI, of late is promoting interactive meetings of members of industry
and trade with government heads, cabinet secretaries, planning
commission Dy. Chairman, etc to give them first-hand information on the
thinking of the government.  These meetings have proved to be very
popular with members.
In 2012 it is organizing “Indiallia” an
International B2B forum, to arrange face to face business meetings with
top business executives from more than 30 countries across the globe,
including India. It is a unique concept which has proved popular abroad.

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