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Advice Request
Syed Saleem Husain
Syed Saleem Husain

Syed Saleem Husain

Assistant Professor

Jazan University, Jazan, KSA

Future of Indian Education System
Education is ever evolving through novel methodologies and high tech teaching aids. I hope during the coming years, there is more and more dissemination of knowledge and learning material. Better opportunities and means await students who are keen to learn and attain meastery over their field of subject. Both employers and employees, selectors and aspirants, teachers and taughts have immensely come closer, defying the barrier of distance, money and time. As an old adage says, "You can bring a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink", even a vast array of high end technology cannot benefit a careless and insincere learner. There would always be need to adroitly guide and motivate students for right way of learning and to usher them into arena of humanity and morality.
My field of education is medical chemistry with toxicology as specialization. I see a growing number of opportunities as regards to scientific reserach, paper publication and participation in conferences.
Favorite Non-Academic books
I usually read articles on science, technology and health. Besides, I keep myself updated with the current affairs,concerning India and rest of the world. Reading has certainly contributed a lot to my knowledge and improved the way I conduct and discipline myself. It has a positive impact on my personality and outlook, thereby aiding me in effective teaching and amicable relations with my students and colleagues. Reading certainly enhances the mental agility and keeps one in pace with the advancing world.
My Advice
I believe teaching job is the best profession which shapes up the life of an individual, belonging to any field. The satisfaction which the educationist gains after having imparted successfully the due course of knowledge is unsurpassable.

I suggest those people who have keen desire to adopt the teaching profession, to well equip themselves with the required qualifications and knowledge of their subject. Knowledge and good persona command respect of others. Development of knowledge and personality is a constantly ongoing process, therefore personal grooming of an educationist is utterly important.
My priorities
On the top priority do I keep my official schedule for which I am morally as well as officially accountable, everything else unless emergent, is secondary. I am a self-disciplined person and, since childhood, I have been charting time out daily for my prayers, study, leisure activities and family. With the advent of cyber social media, I punctually devote time to further social good among people.
Family Background
I hail from a respectable family in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. My father was a medical practitioner who always, with his down-to-earth simplicity, honesty and God-fearingness inspired me and instilled in me passion for education. He taught me simple living and high thinking, and today, when he is no more, I owe him solemn gratitude with innermost core of my heart, for whatever position in life I have been able to achieve. I have a mother two brothers, two sisters, a wife and a sweet daughter who always hold good wishes, supplicate to God for me and stand beside to motivate me for advancement in the journey of life.
Strongest Subject
Teaching chemistry is my subject which I enjoy very much while in a class-room. Since I have had a long career in teaching chemistry, it has obviously got to be my strongest subject.
Other than chemistry, I have a special flair for writing and composing poems. I write under the pen-name 'Saleem Saim' which you can google to find some of my writings. I have so far published nine books.
Important Lesson
Honesty is the best policy and diligence to work is the most surmountable of all. Knowledge with humility, humour and civilty are some traits that win you friends, even in the alien lands.
I have learnt in life that the real pleasure is in discharging our duties truly, keeping a good balance between work and family. Excessive involvement in material life gives more sleepless nights than self-gratification.
About Me
I completed my education till Master in Science, Master in English and Bachelor in Education from my native city Moradabad. I qualified for 'Junior Research Fellowship', sponsored by Indian Council of Medical Research,(ICMR), New Delhi, and carried out research in industrial toxicology for my Doctoral degree, in Industrial Toxicology Research Centre,(ITRC), Lucknow, a prestigious national reseach institute of Council for Science and Industrial Reaseach,(CSIR),New Delhi.
During the middle years of my education, I found in me a flair for composing English poems and started writing both prose and poetry.
I have had a long teaching career of about 27 years, and, since the very start of my career, only teaching has been my profession.
I fondly recall my childhood; whenever I used to be harsh in mending my younger brother, my mother, who by God's grace is with us today, would reprimand me saying," When grown up, you shall be a teacher". And, as luck would have it, time groomed me a teacher.
Outlook about increase students’ participation
No doubt,for what the nation spends on education and provides citizens with necessary facilities of life, the students owe greatly to their country. After completion of education and being in a position, it ought to be impulsive for students to contribute their talents to the developement of their nation.
Most Rewarding Moment
Publication of my books, papers and an invitation for oral presentation of my research work, representing my university, "Jazan University", Jazan, KSA, in a conference in United States are some of the most rewarding experiences of my teaching career.
Outlook about way to raise quality education
It is heartning to note that India is continuously developing and expanding in arena of education. A number of new universities and big colleges are coming up and producing a lot of world class professionals a large number of whom are earning honour to India, in many developed nations of the world.
Eradication of corruption from all educational agencies will ensure the maximum output of educational institutions. To produce quality education of par excellence, the Indian government should provide quality infrastructure, eliminating kick-backs from the various channels.
Unique way of teaching
Linking educational lessons to practical and applied aspects of life would greatly help students in imbibing the jist of subject. The laboratory exercises have got to be more realistic than just a ritual.
Our endeavour must aim at developing the scientific outlook of students which enables rational thinking and methodical handling of the problems.
Most Challenges facing by students
The fear of unseen hounds almost everyone. The most challenging issue in life of students is to successfully handle the examinations. The stressful concern of a student is to be able to attain their dream career and fulfil the aspirations of their parents and themselves. Having competent teaching faculty and state-of-the-art educational resources,in governmental and mundane privately owned institutions, is like the biggest challenge students have got to face.
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