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Advice Request
Sukanya Arumugam
Sukanya Arumugam

Sukanya Arumugam

SharePoint Developer

Quadra systems

Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
My family got 4 members including me.My father Mr.S.Arumugam is Company Executive ,Mother Mrs.P.Anuradha as Home Maker and my Brother Mr.A.S.Dhinesh now studying B.E(Mechanical Enginnerg)
Most Important Lessons
1.Maintaining Company Integrity
2.Finish Task before dead line
3.Give 100% satisfaction to customers
4.Following Team Leader and Team mates guidelines
5.Job Satisfacation
Currently working at
working in SharePoint 2010.
Current and Previous Responsibilities
My role is to Design and Develop SharePoint Sites.previously i worked upon ASP.NET 4,certain things as mentioned below are prons when compared SharePoint to ASP.NET
1.Reduction in Time
2.Novice User can create and access SharePoint site
3.less time to code
Most Important Decisions
To secure MS in Software Engineering and My top most career decision is to become CIO in Indian company
Role Model
My Father is always a role model, because he is perfect in maintaining company integrity,completing task 100% based on client requirement, being kind enough to everyone, helping the poor children by teaching them
Plans for the Future
2 years before im a student without any exposure about technologies, but now i myself can say that having gud exposure about recent trends in IT.
The Journey So Far
1.finished my High School in 2006
2.Finished M.Sc[Software Engineering] post graduation in 2006-2011
3.Now Working upon SharePoint 2010
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