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Snigdha Khanna
Snigdha Khanna

Snigdha Khanna


Arizona State University


Snigdha Khanna is a member of:

Family Background
I have a sibling brother who is working as an IT Professional in North Carolina, USA.
My role model
My mother is my role model. She inspires me in a lot of ways. The way she manages her professional and personal life with compromising on nothing. I admire her dedication in spiritual advancement and wish to reach up to her level in every aspect of life.
Current Trends
I believe that the advancements in the field of medical technology with incorporation of newly developed user friendly software are going to change the phase of biomedical field in the coming years.
My important career decision
The most important decision that I have taken was to pursue my Masters in Biomedical Engineering and I have enjoyed every bit of it.
Managing professional as well as personal life
Juggling both of them is definitely dicey.. Prioritizing things is something that has really helped me to a great extent. I always complete high priority tasks first and keep the rest for later. I have been inducted into BAM (Biomedical Engineering Adventure Movement) Events and I as a part of it I got the chance to indulge into fun activities and socialize with people around.
Company and job profile
I have a Masters in Biomedical Engineering from Arizona State University. I am a Graduate Researcher at Neuromuscular Control and Movement Laboratory at Arizona State University and currently working in the field of Biomechanics with a focus on prostheses. I have been working extensively on the ASL Eye Tracking equipment.
Being different
Having a Masters in Engineering definitely gives you a competitive edge and you get a whole lot of per-assigned credibility as compared to a Non-Engineering Degree.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
Lack of resources and efficient training are the two most influential factor that have left us playing catch up with fore-runners like United States.The government should channelize more funds into research and should provide perks and benefits for researchers so that they are inclined towards this field.
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