
Pratik Pankaj Nayak

Pratik Pankaj Nayak

About Pratik Pankaj Nayak

hiezz.. myself Pratik...
It is toughest section in orkut 2 write something about myself bcz i think it is not possible 2 judge any1 through ths column untill i know the person....still im trying 2 do this hardest thing,by trying 2 potray my ownself
I hav nothing special in jst a simple guy wid simple thoughts but wid huge dreamss..I seem 2 be very moody,sometime an introvert & sometime humorous too...Down 2 erath & straightforward,understanding guy...does nor try 2 show off...I hate lier & selfish ppl lyk anything.
Can not tollerate ppl who show 2 much attitude uselessly
im open 2 all.
basically cool-minded bt when i become angry there is some definite reason behind it..
im sensitive in hrt,rude in words n cute in nature..rst u say bt i dont wanna hear..
I just love 2 live my own life in my own way..
.....plss dont judge me over it....

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