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Advice Request
Shyamsunder Panchavati
Shyamsunder Panchavati

Shyamsunder Panchavati

Advisor Harvard Business Review

Lead India 2020 Foundation

Blogs (17)
Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I am from a middle class family.Both my grand parents were well educated.My father was a graduate and came up in life the hard way. He retired in 1972 as a Chief Accounts Officer in Nagpur Improvement Trust.We are five brothers and five sisters all happily settled,having children and grand children
Plans For The Future:
In Heaven if my deeds are good or in hell if they are not so good.

At sixty,I have more than achieved whatever I wanted to in my private,personal, and professional life.

I only look forward to the growth of my children in all aspects of life.
Other Thoughts:
Life has given me a lot more than what I had asked for or aspired for,That does not mean that my aims were low. In fact I have always been overambitious and all my ambitions have been fulfilled.
My children are into their careers and growing.they are with me, & I am a proud grand father.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
My first accomplishment is being a obedient child of my parents.My second accomplishment is being able to imbibe Human Values from my parents and pass it on the same to my children.This investment is giving me enormous & invaluable returns from my children in the form of respect & adulation
Role Model:
My mother is the first role model, and to a lesser extent,I am also impressed by Dr. Abdul Kalam, with whom I had the privilege of working.My mother because,though she was not highly educated, knew how to manage well, manage with less.She taught me as to how to make an opportunity out of adversity.
Required Reading:
"Enchantment" by Guy Kawasaki, "Search Inside Yourself" by Chade Meng Tan,"Winning" by Jack Welch with Suzy Welch, "JEH" The Life of JRD TATA" by Bakhtiar K Dadabhoy.,,Social networks like,,,
The Decisions That Matter
All my wrong decision are most important career decision for me. I have retarded four steps after climbing a single step.I have always been in the process of reconstruction. This has made me a master builder of organizations,people,Careers.I am proud of the individuals & entities I have built so far
Done Differently:
Nothing, absolutely nothing
Job Profile:
Independent Management coach,Speaker,Author. Member Advisory Council Harvard Business Review.Member Executive panel of experts Mckinsey & Co. Chief Facilitator,Capacity Building & Development. I try to ignite the youth with my speech and action,& facilitate jobs globally through "jobs Everywhere"
Advice For New Professionals:
Do not follow me or emulate my work.
Set your independent goals and achieve them.Always over expect from yourself and others.Each small success is an important step on your ladder to a successful career.
Be an objective critic of your thoughts and actions.RETAIN YOUR SMILE EVERY MINUTE,AT ALL TIMES
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Whatever has changed, has changed for better. It is producing better strategy,better productivity,better results per man hour.

However share values and shareholder appeasement are coming in the way of retaining organization & human values & culture.
Balance sheets and Bottom lines dictate behavior
The Journey So Far:
A Journey comprising a roller coaster ride spanning over four decades cannot be en-capsuled in 300 characters.The destinations have always been more important than the journey and the upheavals.Most important aspect has been that I have always reached the destinations,I wanted to reach,& enjoyed it.
Career Profile:
The responsibilities,objectives,and delivery levels are self imposed in my present role,where as they were set by the employers in the previous role.My deliverables now are directly linked to the dreams & aspirations of thousands of youth spread across 103 countries,& no longer related to my persona
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