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Advice Request
Sanjay Srivastava
Sanjay Srivastava

Sanjay Srivastava

Regional Manager - Sales

Sapa Profiles


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Handling Grievances
Grievance of an employee will be taken with positive attitude and understanding the sitaution througly so that right decision and action can be taken.Following points to be considered ,
1. Why employee has a grievance.
2. Root cause for this grievance.
3. Solve the issue from root .
4. Give appropriate solution to this .
Managing personal and professional life
1. Analyzing thoroughly the situation .
2. With experience of handling .
3. Learning from others and noting in mind .
4. Listening to others in positive way .
5. Acknowledging mistakes if any .
6. Using sorry and excuse words .
7. Forgetting the mistakes done by others .
8. Keeping quite in case of arguments .
Family background
Have mother and two brothers . Father passed away durng my study and struggled a lot to come out from the loss. From a working class family and really done hard work during study as use to work part time for survial.
Wife and one son, bith are briallant as Wife is gold medalist in Pharma and son has completed 10th scoring above 90%
Team Management
I always promote friendly team environment where no bossing and team feels enjoying work rather afraid of bossing . It will be an open and trasparent environment so that team also understnad the criticality of work . There will be a weekly video conference where team intercat with each other on regular basis and also gets updates on various progress and development in other regions .
My views on India Technical development
I feel that because of ego and politics in our country inside an organisation, technical talents are not coming out . It is only the ego of others which stops for technical product to come out . THere has to be an independant body which can review and allowed to discuss directly by avoiding any political connection then tech product can come out .
Ensuring Growth
1. Mainating and developing various contacts which I have gained during tenure of my career.
2. Always update myself on new developments of industries , technology and systems.
3.Always trying for something new and await opportunity .
4. Hit the ball when opportunity are seen .
More about me
Person to analyse and review four times before taking any decision on career as I have suffered a lot by taking a decision without enquiring in much detail about the new assignment and get setback as they backed out . I have been struggling a lot after this action .
Tech Management matters more on
1. Managing the peoples .
2. Getting work done from subordinates and colleagues .
3. Managing the organisation by keeping technical thinks aside.
4. Understanding people very well as this heps in deciding fast .
Influenced by
My close friends like Mr. Tembekar , Mr Bala Ji and Mr. Jaikumar as they helped me in coimng out from depression and helping in coming out tottaly from this bad phase . Always been remebered kind of situation .
Awards and Recognitions
1. Best award for getting major projects in architecture in Mumbai .
2. Best sales person of the year for achieving higher margin .
3. Best sales person for excellant CRM .
Important career decisions
1. Coming out from R&D and joining in sales .
2. Working parttime during studies .
3. Continuing for longer period in one organisation .
4. Completing MBA after working for 7 years .
5. Made career in coating industries .
My advice
You should always think of your employee before taking any decision which may harm them as they are the backbone of an organisation and we cannot avoid them just for the sake profitability .
Leadership qualities
1. Should be able to handle the group.
2. Hardworking and take everyone with him i.e. taking all of them in to confidence before taking decision .
Here all means , employees and mangement team .
3. Always think of the target and make staregy according to orgnaisation policy for achieveing it . He can put his own policy .
Excellence in Management
1. Gained confidence of the product and company .
2. Got name established with customers .
3. Product approval at many places .
4. Customer support in terms of receiving their calls , attending to complaints , solving the complaints in short time , Timely delivery .

5. Increase of proft margin
Current Job description
•Marketing and Product positioning.
•Customer Relation Management .
•Product promotion .
•Sales Forecasting .
•Mapping the market & our presence with the various customers
•Maintain contacts at all levels with existing and potential customers
•Provide inputs for budgeting & commit to budgets for sales, margins, expenses and working capital
• Meeting Architects , Consultants , Builders and developer for getting product specified .
Get product specified in tender .

Handling Western region at the moment and taking care of west market for business development .
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