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Advice Request
Sagar Rao
Sagar Rao

Sagar Rao


woodstock laminates ltd

My strongest skill
Understand company and products do the swot analysis with respect to product and marketing strength and weakness if any. Sytematically take up the issues one after one in organised way. Equip people to perform better in the market and make a strong presence,offcource corporate support needed to promote product creat brand awareness. Most organisations ignore listening to grieviences of clients and solve the problem where as I give top priority of understanding clients nshall make habit of responding to clients at any time irrespective of working hours. Uunless greivences not solved we cannot improve performance.. design strategies for improvign dealer performance and also motivate and design incentive plan for best performanign executives. shall build a strong team interacting and nderstandign with each individual . Focus mainly on poor performers and support them and motivate executives for better formances some time visiting markets along with executives.
More about myself
Most organisation do not understand the customers even if they understand also they try to influence the organisation priorities on top of the agenda. They dont mind loosing time and money in delaying to attend to problems which need little financial burden but it is profitable on long run which most of th eorganisation do not understand. Even management some time try to avoid suggestion from managers just becos they give no importance in resolving the issue which shall end up in losses at later stage. They do not try to apply professional approach/reasoning just try to apply same old traditional policies with authoritative commands.
Important lesson learned
Ther is no end to learning process every day we learn there is lot of scope to improve our performance from good to better and better to best. Im always open and learn lot of lessons from management and my subordinates and people in socity.The bottom line is if you do not obey or respect to the wrong decession of management or owners then our existences some time becomes difficult. but i never bothered nor compromised on any issues which i felt is not in the interest of the growth of the organisation i shall fight it out and see the issues are understood by the management. Some times they do act as if they dont like the views but later on realise their mistakes and act on my directions and see the success it makes me feel happy within.
Couple of years from now
Having worked for 27 years plus now I am one of the renowned person in the industry prefer sharing my work experiences and give my best contribution to organisation and see they reach on top, always try and give best to organisation to ensure success in every front and reach top of the ladder. Under current situation there are many new organisation mushrooming in making the market more competitive, under this situation i would prefer proving on top of the ladder and prove myself Best performer in the industry applying unique techniques to prove my expertise.
Influenced by
Support from wife and kids, inspite of relocating to new place from hyderabad, having language problem social problems etc . My assignments needing continous long travel keeping me away from home some times travelled over 6 months at a stretch but wife is always a support she never complained she managed everything at home though I used to support for funds from time to time. kids are very understanding never given any trouble to their mom nor got into disturbances in education . infact they showed courage and got many medals during my absence at home. that is a reward for me on my returning home.
wife has managed kids so well they never felt my absence at home. I thank to my wife and kids for their continuous support all time. All my succes go to them ,they are responsible for my reputation and fame i bought to the organisationa i worked also.
My family background
Father and mother are from poor family (they expired 13 years back), four brothers all are settled at our native place two sisters got maried happily. My wife is from middle class working class family. we are blessed with two kids responsible and understanding kids, son studying B.E Aeronautical engineering at Bangalore and daugheter studying Bcom first year.
my elder brother supported me for my education who funded for my studies till i started earning after completion of MBA. Since my father and mother are from poor back ground I have seen the difficult times during my scholing days and even at college days,i cannot forget the days I used to walk miles to reach school then at MBA also i walked 4 miles every day for attending the college. Wife also hard working she completed yoga and vocational training in skin therapy and beautician.She teaches yoga to some senior people and conducts classes at various classes,colleges and corporates.
My achievements
1. At MBA I got highest marks in marketing and nick named as professor by class friends.
2.At first job, joined as management trainee within 6 months elevated to sales officer Incharge for sales in Andhra pradesh territory, leading a team of 8 executives
3.Hyderabad alwyn within a year promoted as branch manager, set up new branch with total responsilbility of developing market in north india and proved succesful.
4. Mid west iron and steel i was selling 3/4 th of total production in gujarat market alone.
5 Core health care, within 3 years reached to the level of all india distributon and sales manager contset up 18 branches across india
6. Vishal exports took company to world markets for export of agri commodities viz. UK, Dubai. Bangladesh rotterdom,Srilanka china etc Had reputation in national market.
7 last 6 years working for HPL industry now renowned result oriented professional given 30-40 growth every year, set up offices at overseas markets and written many articles.
Degree that I recommend
Only MBA for basic approach on business and understanding concepts for formulating the policies. But during the course of experience, while working i learnt lot many things which gave me experience in applying at later stage responsible for my success of career and its contribution has given me best result proved a result oriented and expert in the industry now.
Ensuring success
Keep my eys and ears open in learning new products new markets and new technology beside i do show interest in costing of product and elements effecting the products value. i do go read lot of books on current market situation and update on professional development and people involved in contribution and their aproach etc. wherever there is any oppoortunity i shall go as an individual or company sponsor to attend seminars works shops and conferences share experiences.
give and share knowledge with subordinates working in the industry
Im proud to say many competitors also take advises from me on market situation and how to overcome the difficult situation or specific problem sharing etc. that indirectly motivate me in knowing my importance and increase in my level of status in the industry.
Important decision
After finishing the graduation i had plan to go for civil services, accordingly prepared for two years due to health problem I had to stop preparing ,then i got intution to get into management and contribute similarly to the industry and make career.
The most important decession i made is when i took challenging assignment in Gujarat and taken decession to shift from andhra pradesh ,that gave me real break in the career. Then after another break joining Vishal exports a leading merchant exporter for developing international market subsequently took organisation to top exporter in the country. Lastly joining HPL thi is mainly dominated by traditional people but i took it as challenge to show my professional approach which is giving me best result and today im on the top level position in the industry and has special respect in the industry . peim very proud to take the challeng of converting the industry into professional way and things are positive for me.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
A Leader has to bring the team together in achieving desired result for the organisation. he should ensure each individual memebr of the team should contribute best to their capacities. and develop friendly relation within and loyal to the management and grow together. The leader should inculcate the culture of single point programme "they are working for succes of the company nothing else in their mind". he should prove collective effort of every individual has a role contributing success irrespective individual position.
succesful leader is oen who takes the team along in reaching the goals of management.
My role model
All India sales manager Mr jone stood by me always inspite of lot of politicking in the organisation at Eagle flask my first job it was possible he is person believing in performance.
Shri Dipak bhai MD vishal export given me support for 6 months even i was not gettinn initial result he just asked me to be cool dont worry i get result as i was doing good basic work which is need for an organisation and i was suprised in next two years i had so many orders people from overseas used to request me for supply commodities since we proved best performers in exports.
.krupesh thakker MD rushil decor an HPL manufacturer given me ful authority to handle entire busienss whether i do good or bad which gave me confidence and i proved best and today my current MD shri Rajneesh Arora a great support tho he is traditional kind but understand the professional and give me full support im really inspired of hi ssupport and in free to work and plan as i think and give him best performance;
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Our education sysytem is very good as compared to many european and developed countries. I feel education has to be within the reach of common man since most of the cources in science or arts now are becoming richmans studies. Ordinary people cant afford to pay heavy fees. I feel there is a need to help people who really need financial support tho they have knowledge. There is a need to bring education sysytem one can use in every day life let there be high quality of technical education for people who cant affordthose to be supported by some NGOs coming forward in helping the poor.
Education need to be affordable to all income groups and all areas of studies special emphasis to be given for education which is practically possible instead of givign hypothetical study.
Initiative to develop a country
ensure every citizen is educated and can afford to do what is useful in day to day life instead of lookign for high tech product and high tech quality of education.
professional should dedicate certain specific time in giving and sharing the experience also give training,should creat awareness ofthings which a common man is not in a position to reach nor affordable
should look for developing mass production reducing the cost of production and make th eproduct cheaper.
Brief description about me
Born on 5th jan 1959 to poor parents father working as mason and mother a daily labour at Gudur village ,Narayankhed taluq in medak districts,Andhra pradesh. Having four brothers all elders and two elder sisters. Had primary school studies at village then shifted to Hyderabad for middle school after completing graduation,joined MBA Marketing at poona university college.started career as management trainee focusing on front line sales then after worked for various companies achieved succesful track record taken organisation to international markets .Travelled over 25 countries. Now has credit of 27 years over all marketing from frontline sales to decession making at top level management, expert in designing strategies. recruitment and traininn people. supporting management in finacne management and operation assuming responsiblities of CEO. Love working with organisation who can give responislity with authority for achieviin challenging task. Ready to take up challenging assignmen
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