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Advice Request
Ritu Hasija
Ritu Hasija

Ritu Hasija




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View s for better India
INDIA is our nation so we have to give our 100% in the development of our country.When we develop, when we take initiatives then only our INDIA become developed country not only developing Country.
Spare time activities
Reading newspapers, listening music and playing bat minton.
About Myself
I am a third year engineering student.I am a passionate girl and i want to become a successful lady in a corporate world and wanna fulfill mine and my parents dream.
Family Background
I am from middle class sindhi family. My dad is a businessman and my mom is house lady and i have one brother he is in first year now. Nothing else
Challenges facing by students
According to me the biggest challenge is to make your place in a rush and to show your talent.
First Job Expectation
1) Your Talent which makes you unique from the rush
2) Your Communication Skill
3) Your Confident
Time Management
My Family will be my first priority.
Most flourishing college experience
When i was the Vice JSR( JAYOTI SANGH REPRESENTATIVE) JAYOTI SANGH is our Community for Students through which students solve their problems. And when i was Vice JSR i and JSR had arranged our annual fest and tech fest it was a great feeling to work with her and all the higher authorities. I had learnt alot on being a VICE JSR.
Most influenced factor
Actually no one influenced me it was my dream to become an engineer.In my family no one is engineer and i wanna become engineer so i had choose my carrier myself.
My uniqueness
I am a girl with positive thinking which do her work with a feeling that it will shurely get completed. And i will also become a good leader.
Favorite Books and Articles
The Secret written by Rohnda Byrne. It was a book with positie feeling and for those people who are thinking alot.
Favorite subject
Mathematics is my strongest subject and i like to solve the equations and i easily understand the sums in comparison of learning the answers.
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EDP Incharge
Srinathji Ispat Ltd
Software Engineer
Servion Global Solutions
Inspired foods private limited
Focus A-Z Entertainment Private Limited
Senior Manager - Human Resources
Indev Logistics Pvt Ltd.,