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Ranjan Kumar
Ranjan Kumar

Ranjan Kumar

Co Founder and CEO - ( Redcastle Events Pvt. Ltd.)

Redcastle Events Pvt. Ltd. (


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Goals and Ambitions
Next 5 year goal is to make Oyeparty a synonym to Nightlife Events in India.Objectively,at one end i look forward to build a social media around Nightlife, while helping Hotels and Clubs to market their offerings in a more scientific and analytic way; thus presenting a win win proposition for all.Our agenda is to make customer aware of what they are spending on and empower hotels & clubs to build offerings that customer wants.In the due process,turnover and profits are the obvious by product we aspire for.
My achievement
Coming from a lower Middle class background and with the scarce resource,getting through to IIT JEE was the first achievement.It gave me the confidence to aspire big and keep my dreams alive.Academically,competing with participants across 48 nations and winning the best technical paper award at World Petroleum Congress 11, the largest Global platform in Oil & Gas Industry was quite an achievement to me. However,the most valuable achievement till now has been my 2 initiatives, I4India around healthcare & around Nightlife and Events.Though, i couldn't sustain with the first one, it was quite a good achievement in terms of learning. To convert an idea into a fast growing company with the later has been the most cherished journey ever.
Company and job profile
I belong to a small town Muzaffarpur,Bihar. Having done my earlier education in Muzaffarpur,i later joined IIT Kharagpur(04- 08 Batch). After graduating in'08,i worked with ONGC and ITC Ltd. as Project Manager on multi crore projects.In the due process,i won Best Technical paper at World Petroleum congress'11.However,incoherent with above,my entrepreneurial thirst led me to explore in Healthcare sector and hence i started my first initiative I4India in Vadodara,an effort to use tech to enrich healthcare system.Later,while working with ITC at Bangalore, i was quite fascinated by market opportunity in Nightlife domain and started a company Redcastle Events Pvt. Ltd., popularly known by its flagship portal among clubbers in Bangalore.Oyeparty is all about giving the youth best of Nightlife events,parties, DJ's,Clubs,Concerts.With 1000+ reg.clubbers and Operating in Pune and Bangalore,we aims to bridge between enthusiast clubbers and best events in the most interactive way
Family Background
I was born and brought up in Muzaffarpur, a small town in North Bihar where we lived as joint family. My father is a retired Bank Manager and my mother is a home maker. My brother works for Deutsche bank after graduating from IIT Chennai and my sister is working with Multi Commodity Exchange after her Masters in Business Adminstration in Finance.
Current Trends
With the major age demographics being young in India, the lifestyle is more affluent and happy go lucky.However, the market is still shaping up as per the aspirations. That leaves me with the assumption that Food & Nightlife market should grow by 30% in next 2 years. Also, a very striking change is in the lifestyle of youth, which is now more independent and individualistic.Entertainment and lifestyle contributes big time to their pie of monthly expense.To add to the above,there is also a very marked difference in the way people interact these days.It points that focused social media embedded with e-commerce shall emerge as the biggest marketing tool ever.
Books recommended
People who are aspiring to be entrepreneur, I would suggest to follow books with subject as courage,passion and introspection.Read books which encourages and inspires you to follow your dreams. For understanding what will work and what wont, one needs to be observant on the ground.
Making job easier
Clarity of vision towards where i want to lead my company makes my job easier at work. Also,vision translated into clear objectives and daily actions are crucial towards continual improvement. Self Introspection and self management at work are some of the important tools to gain job satisfaction at work.
Challenges faced in job
The most challenging thing about the job is to meet the objectives under constraints of resource in terms of finance,manpower and technology.I believe that constraints makes you a true survivor.It pushes me to find smarter solutions to the problem statement which is very crucial for a company to survive amidst the odds.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
I strongly see the reason deep routed in our education structure.While, we Indians have a very good understanding of text book knowledge, we lack in terms of hands on experience and market understanding. Our curriculum at colleges and schools evaluates us based on how best we fit in their structure whereas the structure itself is text book based. Hence, we are good at making science projects but lacks in making a market hit tech product.The curriculum never allows an engineer to have enough confidence to build a market based tech product. Furthermore, India lacks an entrepreneur friendly environment.In fact the whole entreuprenal support strcuture is missing.Being a nation rising from lower middle class to middle class, we are held back socially not to take high risk. Hence, it takes odd courage to rise in such scenario.Only people with great hands on experience have the confidence and courage to build world class product in constraints.
Being different
Being an engineer, i find myself better versed with latest technological change in the country.Also, somewhere the analytic reasoning to comprehend a situation for engineering students is better than the rest.It enables me to be closer to market development and broadens my domain to experiment with what works in market.
My role model
The founder of Apple and PIXAR, late Steve Jobs is my role model for the conviction he had for his ideas.He knew his customers better than anyone in the world. His market understanding and conviction in idea led him to challenge the way world ever thought about Computers, Mobiles and accessories.For all these qualities i find him my role model.
My important career decision
Leaving lucrative job of Project Manager at ITC and several other bigger job opportunities to following my dream and venture into what excites me has been most important career decision i ever made.
Managing professional as well as personal life
Aspiring to be entrepreneurial brings lots of fluctuation to personal life as our social structure prefers low risk options.Hence, passion for your belief and Prioritizing your options are important.Self Management and Introspection are handy to balance between professional and personal life.I learnt to change gears when i am suited up for work.The very idea not to mix personal and professional space has helped me to manage myself better on both ends.
My strongest Skill
Market understanding,Analytic capability,Communication,ability to mix up fast with people, Tech knowledge and being able to adapt fast to constraints are the attributes which enables me to grow in what i do.
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