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Advice Request
Rajnish Kalra
Rajnish Kalra

Rajnish Kalra

Officer accounts

Swastik Polyvinyls Pvt. Ltd.


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Current Job description
At present i am working in Accounts dept and commercial dept. My working related to sales tax, tds, books finalisation, PF- ESIC work.
today i am prepairing SOP for various dept.
Essential skills
Sharp Mind, Hard work, Firstly know about work then do with bottom of heart
Handling new territory
every kind of task is difficult. No one is perfect in his/her work. Every second is training time.
Comparing Online sales with hardcore sales
Its depend on the nature of work. If you are selling Consumables good then hardcore sales process required & if you are selling industrial product then you can do through online sales process
Effect of sales on an organization
In this compitative market sales play major role for an organization. Because lots of seller available in market. Main thing is communication play major role in sales
Importance of brand image
In this fast life, People's are very busy No one have have time to do comparison between products. they just want to buy product on brand name.
So brand name play major role in market
Motivating team members
Always appreciate your team members work. and ask him/her to do better then present work.
Developing a country
Professionals play just like a base piller to make a house.
Upcoming Trends
In this present condition profession playing a major role. Because peoples want quality and without professional quality will not comes.
What achievements are you really proud off , in your corporate journey?
I have overall experience in account dept. but in this present company i got target in commercial dept, IT dept and i have achieved with in time period and with minimum cost.
My family background
i am living in joint family. My mother and my wife is house wife. Father is retired person. My elder brother and his wife both are teachers for senior classes.
Education system in India
I think this quota system closed in education and jobs.
My advice to upcoming professionals
I just want to say one think do you work from your heart.Becuase you are doing this work for your own life.
Becoming good marketing professionals
I dont think
Essential qualification required
its depend on which level you required.
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