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Advice Request
Raja Mohan Ivaturi
Raja Mohan Ivaturi

Raja Mohan Ivaturi

Vice President & Delivery Head (Africa)

Tech Mahindra

Contribution to the field
There were 8 escalations in a Program of my unit. My team, in 3 months did the great turn around through simple approach of sticking to basics. Apart from the customer satisfaction, we achieved all other KRAs such as Profitability.
We won a large deal through 4 month tireless effort.
Plans For The Future:
Grow my business to two folds
Develop two leaders at my current position
Take up bigger role in the regional level.
Working Life Management:
This has been a challenge. I am first focusing on providing this balance to my team. Once they achieve, I will automatically achieve the Work Life Balance.
Must move from the typical Indian way of all doing all to each doing their role in the most predictable manner.
Job Profile:
I am heading the delivery of all Enterprise engagements in Africa including South Africa. The Delivery involved Development, Implementation, Support and Consulting assignments with the teams in various African countries and India. The delivery also involves multiple tracks such as ERP (SAP,Oracle,JDE,Peoplesoft etc), Web Development (Java,.Net, WebSphere, etc), Content Management (Share point,ECM, Documentum..), Business Intelligence (Hyperion, SAP BI, OBIEE, iDecisions, MSBI ....), Mainframes (Cobol, MF, Hogan....), Banking applications (Teminos, FlexCubes ...) and many more.
Family Background
I am a god fearing person with family consisting of my mother Janaki Rani, wife Subhadra and two kids daughter Deepti and son Vijay. My father Sri. Basavaraju is physically no more but is with me always. My strength is my elder brother Ajay who is my mentor, my inspiration. My young brother Syam is also an inspiration for me right from the childhood when I learnt the habit of reading English literature through him.
Required Reading:
Indian Literature is the best in the world. I suggest the Epic Pancha thantram by Chinnayasuri and ArdhaSastra by Chanakya. You have all the content that you read in the business literature written by international writers.
Professional Strengths:
Outcome based approach
Ethics and strong principles
Above all, the team
Role Model:
There are many. My father comes the first. He taught me about trusting everyone by default. Even if sounds weir, spiritually - he is the most practical person and lived the life as if there is no tomorrow. My mother taught about thinking and living positive.
Irrespective of the areas of excellence, I admire Mahatma Gandhi for obvious reasons, Hrishikesh Mukherjee for excellent demonstration of positive energy in all his movies, Anand Mahindra for making us believe in accepting with no limits, Anil Kumble and Sachin Tendulkar for excellence in game as well as behaviour, Salil Chowdary for brilliance in Music, my brother Ajay for everything, PV Rao my mentor in the first job, JA Chowdary who taught me the quick decision making. The list actually goes further and the names I mentioned here are the few that came to me instantaneously.
Degrees That Matter:
For many business reasons and Customer acceptance I did a few certifications such as CPIM from APICS, USA; PMP from PMI, USA; CIERP from CIBRES,USA; Six Sigma Black Belt, and Certification on Global Business Leadership from Harvard Univesity. But don't believe in certifications even though they form certain level of Benchmarking. More than the certifications, the learning is more important. a certified professional will have to demonstrate improved outcome from the learning through certification.
Career Profile:
The responsibility includes the KRAs of Revenue realization through effective Delivery, Additional Revenue from Existing accounts, Profitability, Low attrition, Associate Delight and Quality assurance. My Previous role needed all of them but at a Program level and now I am having these metrics at Geo level.
The Decisions That Matter
I needed to come out of temptation to get to details of ERP engagements which used to be my strong area in the beginning of the career. I realized the importance of focusing on the business metrics and give equal importance to all areas that help the Delivery and KRAs.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
My team made my unit the best unit in two successive years.
Other Thoughts:
In IT, the ethics are not existing. People copy the Intellectual property of materials and certify themselves in Project Management, Fraud Management etc Do not pay tax. leave the jobs unethically. This needs to change. The world is very small and violating ethics doesn't do good for any one.
Another area that is missing is, even after spending lot of money the workmanship is missing from many IT professionals. Lack of owning the quality and timelines of the deliverables and always choosing the find reasons for missing the KRAs has been a phenomenon.
The mindset needs to change.
Growth Strategy:
I keep doing the elevated roles while the formal growth is always announced late. I believe in growing together. I work for the customer growth, work for the growth of all the other units that collaborate with me, and always develop my succession to make my growth smooth.
I also put lot of extra effort to keep my DNA the technical strength alive irrespective of the role. A person without God fathers need to rely only on performance.
The Journey So Far:
I contributed to CSR at corporate levels. Worked in the special initiatives such as defining, measuring and realizing the Delivery Maturity levels. Also worked in establishing a good Governance Model for protecting the interest of customer while delivering. Internally the Program Management had huge scope of improvement and driven the initiative at corporate level.
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