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Ask Raghavendra S Rao for Advice
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Advice Request
Raghavendra S Rao
Raghavendra S Rao

Raghavendra S Rao

B.E. Fresher 2013 batch


Family Background
My father is an ex-serviceman. He wants to see me as a successful professional. My mother is a housewife. I have two sisters, both happily married.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I feel proud graduating from one of the prestigious universities in India!
Professional Strengths:
My strong Verbal and written communication skills, my English accent & pronunciations.
The Journey So Far:
I'm a fresher and yet to set my foot in the Corporate world
Changes In The Professional Environment:
A decade ago, an Engineering degree was considered as one of the highest degrees which only a few could achieve, but now there are so many Engineers graduating each year and very desperate to find a job in the IT sector!
Role Model:
My parents are my role models. My father always provided me with the best of things and he works really hard to support the family. My mother always cares about me. I want to provide luxurious life to my parents and give them that level of happiness, they never had!
The Decisions That Matter
I just went with the flow.
Advice For New Professionals:
Work very hard and always try to excel in the field. And never lose hope!
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