
Pooja Soni

Pooja Soni
Asst. manager at ICICI bank ltd
BBA Business administration

Pooja Soni ’s experience

Asst. manager   at   ICICI Bank ltd , Delhi
Currently working (From May06 till date) with ICICI BANK as Asstt
Manager-Retail Asset Operation Group and handling Customer
Service & Banking-Recon team in Regional Operation Office Noida.
( Selected through Campus Placement ), got performance Rating of
II. JOB RESPONSIBILITY: Responsible for the continuing
education and training of new and experienced employees. Taught
employees new and more efficient ways to perform their
jobs. Monitoring, evaluating and counselling staff of 120
employees. Assisted managers with hiring procedures, screening
of candidates, coordinating interviews. Maintenance of
MIS. Handling Operations at regional level. Customer Accounts
management Handling of Customer deliverables. Direct reporting
from 65 employees.

Pooja Soni ’s education

BBA [Business administration],
SPMR college of commerce [2004/April] , Jammu

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