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Advice Request
Prof Dr Vg Chari
Prof Dr Vg Chari

Prof Dr Vg Chari


Siva Sivani Institute of Management


Prof Dr Vg Chari is a member of:

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Education and Teaching Background
I am a three-in-one finance professional – Finance (CFA),Banking (CAIIB,DBM,DFS) and Insurance (AIII) with 18 years of banking experience and 16 years of academic experience.(total 34 years of service).I am the first doctorate in Bancassurance in India. After resigning from a public sector bank, I joined as a Professor in IBS (Icfai B-School) and worked as Dean at ICFAI for 5 years. I wasthe Registrar and Professor with International Institute for Insurance and Finance ( a dedicated institute for Insurance education, Osmania University) and later joined SSIM as HOD and presently I am holding the position of Director – Academic at SSIM.
My qualifications : M.Com, Ph.d, CAIIB,DBM (IIB),DFS (IIB),AIII (III)
I am the author of PGDM (BIFAAS- Banking, Insurance, Finance and Allied Services) program which is first of its kind in India and introduced by us.
Top 3 Things Companies should Know about our Students
Students in our college are taught by industry experienced faculty some of whom have got international exposure also.
Our students are specifically trained on soft skills including communication and attitude by experts from industry like we have professors of English from EFLU
(English and Foreign Language University – a Central University located in Hyderabad) training students in Communications and TIME Institute experts training in
Aptitude and Personality Development skills, besides in-house faculty on soft skills.
Our pedagogy contains a mixed approach – concept clarity classes and case discussions on both Indian and foreign cases. Lot of hands on work is done by students like assignments, role plays, live projects, You tube productions and seminars. We call Saturdays as Corporate Days wherein industry professionals are invited for seminars, guest lectures and viva-voce.
Thought on a management student should also know to face in competitive corporate world
What matters today is clarity in thinking, neatness in presentation,flaw-less communication and fire in the belly for achievement and at the same time no arrogance and ego. An ear to the ground is essential to understand the typical nature of Indian culture and ethos, Indian market and Indian corporates, as many Management books have western orientation and todays neo-markets are springing up in semi urban and rural areas where culture and customs matter a lot.
Knowing one of the Indian languages is a must, besides English and Hindi. Students should not hop the jobs unless they gather critical mass for one or two years, after all companies having trained and invested in new employees, expect a little loyalty from them.
Improve Management Education
The tendency in India is to over-do anything. There is a mushroom growth of Management Institutes in India, leading to undesirable competition and dilution of quality.
Thus, it is reported, that hardly 20% of Management graduates are fit for employment. Naturally these unsatisfied and unplaced students will become a burden on the society and there is lot of wastage of national resources. Some institutions are closing down on their own. Probably for some time the AICTE/ Governments (State and Central) should put their foot down and do not permit any new ones.
There is a scarcity of competent Management Teachers in India. AICTE should start regional academies and entrust the management of such academies to one of the top management institutes of that region to address this issue.
Corporates can be provided tax exemption on academic chairs created / corporate donations made, in AICTE approved institutions and probably corporates can adopt some institutions to bring the application and industry orientation to the PGDM programs and thus address the problem of placement.
Family Background
We are 2+2. My wife is a graduate and home maker. I have two daughters – the elder one is a doctor and younger one is an engineer. Both of them are married. My elder son-in-law is an MD, General Medicine, works for a corporate hospital in Hyderabad and they are blessed with two kids. My younger son-in-law works in USA (Newyork) for ST Microelectronics and my younger daughter also works in New york and they are newly married.
Future students & Hiring Companies
Students need to have national perspective and think of future generations and what is that they are leaving to posterity. They need to be concerned about national problems without unwittingly getting into the trap of politicians. During their study period of Management education, they need to observe restraint regarding some of their hobbies like addiction to social networking sites, mobiles and pub culture as management education demands their undivided attention in a competitive environment
– too many subjects in too less a period unlike their graduation days. The objective is not only obtaining their PGDM / MBA Certificate, but also get coveted
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