
Prasad R Prad

Prasad R Prad
Certifica... MCP, MCTS, MCPD in .Net Frame...

About Prasad R Prad

i Always like to say Itz Me . . .
but at the same time i love dreaming the numbz that which always trys to change my life with some codes . . .

Prasad R Prad ’s experience

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Prasad R Prad ’s education

Certifications [MCP, MCTS, MCPD in .Net Fra...]
B.Sc [Micro Biology, Chemistry & Zoology]
PG Diploma [Software Engg.(GNIIT)]
X [Matriculation]

Prasad R Prad ’s additional information

WPF, SilverLight, C#, ASP.Net and Microbiology My interest is always to make some mistakes and get experienced with it and not to make that mistake again in my life
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