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Advice Request
Piyush Pathak
Piyush Pathak

Piyush Pathak

Software Engineer at NH Infomedia

New Horizon Infomedia

My role model
I think two types of persons in Computer world rules.
One is who works on differnt technology to develop new high level technical programming languages.
And the other is who works on the technology whibh helps to satisfy customer goods in cheapest way that means they work, keeping in mind end user satisfaction.
So from my point of view Microsoft owner Bill Gates inspires me more and no doubt he is my role model.Because from more than 15+ years I find him working on Windows platform and his only basic criteria is to educate people about computers. For this he is trying making easy cheapest and user friendly computer so that everyone even a novoice can use it.
Infact I want to say he is so dedicated to his work since long time he is working for the end user customer satifaction only. Infact I think he is only the person who make to reach computer from door to door.So the only thing I learnt from him make things simpler and easy so that your end user don't get any problem
Family Background
My family members include father, mother, 2 sisters and a brother. My father is an Administrator officer in Hindustan Fertilizer corporation Limited. My mother a house wife. Actually my father's dream is that, he wants me a Computer Engineer and so I adopted this field. Today I am happy to make his dream come true.
Company and job profile
My self a B Tech in Computer Science and an Oracle developer having skills in SQL and PL/SQL technology including Oracle forms and reports 11g as well as DBA Realted activities having overall experience of 3+ years.
My company basically deals in providing man power to client location basically government organizations for smooth functioning of work status. Also responsible for providing proper and experienced technical people to client location in different parts of India.
My job profile includes delivering work reports queries in time. Actually it includes in CRM technology. DBA profile include work like taking back up and well functioning of servers. My job profile also includes proving proper functioning of Application Domain.
Goals and Ambitions
Look, my only goal for next 5 years is to achieve as much knowledge as I can in this field.
Talking about ambition I want to serve in Microsoft corporation as I think it is the best way to work in your role model organization.
Making job easier
Many factors:
1. One is time management, I think giving time to some thing which is not important is useless. Give the time which is required very urgent and handle them 1st.
2. Taking proper time from the client and dedicated to do it in the specified time.
3. My Manger fully trust me, my work and my work delivery time. For this he never puts pressure on me and I am independent to do work without any pressure.
4. Proper knowledge of the domain, the area on where I am currently working is the best way to make job easier.
My achievement
1.During Graduation I participated in a paper presentation and I choose my Topic "IT INDUSTRY IN RECESSION TIMES" I got first prize from the chancellor of my Technical University he is so happy while listening the speech he awarded me cash amount on the stage.
2. My father's dream come true when I completed my grduation degree in Computer Engineering with distinction.
3. Awarded 1st in Science and Maths Olympiad exam 2002 and 2003.
My strongest Skill
Software Enginnering
Being different
Providing work in Time and don't rely on others and dedicated for client satifaction.
Making environment at ease and friendly.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
From my point of view I think we are lacking in software development field.
We are technically very much sound but 95% of engineers in our country is working in software maintenance field. This is the field in which we are not going to develop any thing new we are just working on already developed products, provided by other companies or from other countries.
In the world markets take example of Apple company and Britain's young boy who developed an application which makes the whole book into a summary form this is the talent we are lacking.
Things that to be done by we engineers think technically yet ironically to develop any thing which helps to make easy to unknown technical person. In fact our government have to open a research centre for development of software fields like Japanese government provides money to their engineers for developing 6th generation computers in which computer can think like human being.
Books recommended
Lots of book Mcgraw publications etc
Have a search on net Oracle for beginners
My important career decision
Preparing my self to compete in Administrative services in India.
or Want to complete M.Tech in my field
Current Trends
SAP, Business Intelligence, Cloud Computing.
Challenges faced in job
The current change in programming languages making it easier for others to come and serve in a low cost simple way as many company wants man power who can serve in less amount and provides benefits to companies.
In this way we are also have to ready for the changes occurring in the programming world.
I think new technology is another skills we are getting while earning as well and we are also have a knowledge in previous languages means to say we are skilled enough to adopt in new and old versions of technical field.
Managing professional as well as personal life
While performing in office I am fully dedicated to only work environment. My work, customers and manger ordering any work is only important things to me in office hours. Since I already told that Time is the important factor in office so I always try to complete in given time so that no much pressure in night or when with family members
My advice
One is respect your seniors and learn how to work in this field look at them and their way of doing work.
Do not get frustrated or depressed if any work is not done, as you are new hence problem arises. Lastly choose your field means to say technical language wisely.
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