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Advice Request
Paavan D Solanki
Paavan D Solanki

Paavan D Solanki

Business - SEO Company India

Blogs (8)

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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
As i am coming from Middle Class Family, i learnt and educated myself, i have started my professional career in 8th Standard as work as Office Assistant for INR 750 / month. The only reason of taking this job was to financially support my education and i did not want depends on my parents.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
i have taught around 400 people and shaping career of over 1000 People. I have started my career as office assistant and now i am became a CEO of - its one of the leading search engine optimization and ebranding firm in India.
The Decisions That Matter
i started my career with Finance and Investment as my core area. But recession stuck and i had to make a hard decision of changing to Information Technology vertical. I had spent over 6 years in finance field. i have started as completely fresher level and today i have 12 years of experience.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
When i started my career as search engine expert, i was the pioneer in this field in gujarat. Over the year SEO Industry growing immensely. Now Gujarat it has over 300 SEO Firm and Ahmedabad one the SEO Hub in India. More and more people take seo as professional career and it has a bright future too
Degrees That Matter:
i am running Certified SEO Course in Ahmedabad but practical knowledge and Live Project are required in Company level. SEO is always learning process. Google Adword, Google Analytics certification are benefited in seo professional careers.
Role Model:
My situations in every steps of my life has been my role model, i learnt, i grow, keeping in my situation. i was a self learner through out my life, most of my knowledge i acquire through online reading and true life achievements learn by practicals.
Done Differently:
i would never repeat my past negative experiences, with these knowledge i could re-shape entire seo industry and take my career to new height.
Career Profile:
my previous profile are investment and finance.
My current profile as CEO of a company involved every thing from starting a company to make it a successful business, satisfied workforce, satisfied clients and grow my company. my previous profile my major work was to manage accounts.
The Journey So Far:
My Corporate world journey is filled with ups and down, i have started in the period of the recession and took steady and calculative steps to grow in this field. 6 years later i was capable enough to start my own venture. my business also had loss in the beginning but learnt & capitalized move on.
Growth Strategy:
1. Increased my professional knowledge on a daily basis.
2. Understanding the requirements of my clients and ensuring timely communication.
3. Keep my client satisfied by providing them utmost quality service.
4. Having a strong management team and system in place.
5. Learning from past experiences.
Advice For New Professionals:
1. Practical / Hands on experience is more experience than bookish knowledge
2. Educate yourself and shared that knowledge with others too.
3. There is no short cut to get success, than work hard and achieve your goals.
4. Client is not always right - Always be truthful and correct suggestion.
Other Thoughts:
"I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it," Thomas Jefferson wrote.
Required Reading:
1. To read a comments of well known industry professionals blogs, videos and forums
2. apart from reading you participate in industry seminars and workshops.
3. Participate in online webinars.
4. networking with industry people.
5. follow industry leaders and their experts teachings and advice.
Working Life Management:
There is no proven formula to manage work life and personal life, i strive hard to keep a balance in both lives and take care to complete my duties and responsibilities respectively in either role of my life.
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