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Advice Request
Neha Bahuguna
Neha Bahuguna

Neha Bahuguna

graphic designer


Brief description about me
I am a graphic designer and a writer. I studied graphic design from National Institute of design, Ahmedabad. I love telling stories, in my work I make sure there is some story which is going to be told, and then it does not matter the work is something to do with design, art or writing.

Important career decision
Most important career decision was choose design as a career. Here I am allowed to tap on any and every topic around.

Certificate that matters
I think it is very important to have a deep down knowledge or liking for what you do. NID is itself an institute which provides 360 degree knowledge and hands on experience in design. Apart from this there are many good institutes in India and abroad.

My view on freshers
It is hard to get your first job. Company should risk hiring a new candidate because, they come with lots of ideas and enthusiasm, as well as they have to prove their best, so there are not many chance to get bad work from new comers. Yes, they can make a lot of mistakes and get a company into minor trouble but in any case no one gives a full responsibility to a new comer.
My strongest skill
Storytelling and visualization.

My role model
Satyajit Ray. He is one master of all trades. I just love his involvement into his work whether it be writing, films or drawings, he is just 100 percent.

Upcoming Trends
If you ask about design, there is a young creative crowd working everyday to make information easy and exciting. With the growing invasion of internet the visual are all around us. Everything and every one is trying to get noticed. To create a new and unique visual language is becoming more and more challenging.
It seems that, in India, giving importance to your own language, culture and tradition can lead to different and non-western era of visual communication. And I believe people are working towards it.

My goal
Just live everyday without worrying about what is going to be next.

Advice from elders
Do not hurt anyone and do not let anyone hurt you.

My achievements
I feel I have grown up as a human being.  With my work and people around me, I have learnt to accept situations and people but the same time deal with situations.
Apart from this there are academic and professional achievement are there, but I feel those are just something temporary.

Advice to young people
Be yourself and do what you feel you are best at.
My view on India technical development
There are few things below, which are responsible for this problem.
-Lack of quality research environment.- Its very easy in India that somebody else will take the credit for your hardwork and if also the person who is doing the work does not get credited duly.
-Lack of good quality talent.- we have lots of good talent but we do not have lot of expert talent.
-Lack of risk taking appetite in society, individual and industry.- If you go to somebody with an idea they will always ask you to show where it has been implemented before? No one is ready to take risk with new ideas.
-service base industry but not product based. We are very good follower but not good leaders.

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