
Minhas Aboobacker M

Minhas Aboobacker M
District Officer - Kannur, Keral

Minhas Aboobacker M ’s experience

Sales Exec./ Officer   at   ACC Limited , Kannur, INDIA
June 2009 – Currently Working
Industry: Construction/Engineering/Cement/Metals
Functional area: Sales / BD
1.To manage 24 dealers and 400 subdealers in the territory 2.To
ensure that there is a proper supply chain so that the service
from the company is enhanced without failure 3.To conduct
promotions, advertisements and communications for the different
target segments to create a pull in the market. 4.To maintain
price stability in the market with a premium of Rs.150/tonne over
other brands 5.Appointment of new dealers in potential areas to
enhance sales 6.To ensure timely collection from debtors
Sales Exec./ Officer  at   ACC Limited , Thrissur, INDIA
December 2005 – May 2009
1.Dealer management in the region 2.To ensure smooth supply
chain in the market 3.To create a consumer pull in the market
for the product 4.To maintain the premium of the brand in the
market by price management 5.Identification of underrepresented
areas in the region and to develop the market

Minhas Aboobacker M ’s education

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