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Advice Request
Munish Sood
Munish Sood

Munish Sood

Consultant & Physician


Important lesson learned
1. since childhood family/relatives use to say "Money is not Everything" BUT realized only when started livelihood that "for that EVERYTHING money is required"

2. Probably read in Reader's Digest " I use to think what LIFE was for.. now being ALIVE seems sufficient reason!!..agreed till date

3. As said by Swami Vivekanand: "Always take risk in your life for if you succeed you can LEAD and if you fail you can GUIDE"..yes this mantra changed my career as well as professional life.
Couple of years from now
1. Running Independent Clinic along with Visiting Physician and Consultant.
2. definitely my client relation skills will be refined.
Important decision
1.Sticking to my Clinical Judgement and Prognosis. already said: Money is Important so couple of LIC and Fixed Deposits.
3.Important decision requires "Better Head Or A Better Heart"... again this depended upon the situation.
Degree that I recommend
1. B.A.M.S Degree
2. MD/MS (Ayu) Degree
3. Panchkarma/Kshar Sutra Diploma
My achievements
1.Ranked 1st among Golden Ayurveda Doctors and 2nd in top Online Ayurveda Acharyas at site. (largest portal of online consultancy) since 5 years.
2.Presented Scientific paper on Hypethyroidism and Diabetes Mellitus vis a vis ‘Bhasmak’ and ‘Madhumeha’ in Mid-Term CME held at S.R.Hospital, Kullu.
3.Assisted Consulting Physicians and Surgeons and participated in Case Discussions & Feedback about the Patients and the Treatment Imparted.
My family background
1.Father runs his own Property Dealing Business
2. Mother is a Housewife.
3. one elder brother working in MNC, Gurgaon. (8-10 years)
4. one younger sister working as HR, Mohali (2 years)
My role model
1. role model for me has to be at different stages of life, cos one can't have single from childhood till date.
Ensuring success
.achieving my objectives and improving my clinical sense.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
1. what I've seen till date is Inspiration/motivation and above all FOLLOWERS!!
More about myself
will wait for 24hrs before I do anything of something.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
problem is there are different schools of 'THOUGHT'
has to be from belief to relief.
Brief description about me

Chief Ayurveda Consultant

.Competent & detail oriented Medical Professional offering an insightful exposure of conservative & Medical Management of patients through general medical practice, working towards achieving justice in the provision of healthcare for all people.

.Handling patients for treating chronic diseases, history-taking, physical examination, undertaking routine & diagnostic investigations.

.Accountable for developing various guidelines for organizing camps/programmes, managing clinical and community health of the district as a team and Caring out effective Supervision & Management.
Influenced by
Mathematics: only reason of becoming a doctor and not engineer or CA!!
Initiative to develop a country
presently most of the health professionals are going to western countries for better opportunities..that makes India a develop-ing country!! and when you say 'developed' that itself means 'ECONOMY' and that will never happen as long as poverty remains!
My strongest skill
1.Ensured administration of appropriate drugs to patients and handling patient counseling sessions and handling their complaints in most tactful manner.

2.Supervise & implement promotional activities such as Seminars, Workshops and Medical Camps

3.Ascertaining that the quality health services are provided at the best possible levels through the optimum usage of available resources at the Hospital.

4.Interfacing and coordinating with the emergency team to ensure prompt response to emergencies

5.Responsible for Staff scheduling from time to time, .Utilization of space to maximum output through space and time planning and taking decisions in accordance with the aims and objectives of the hospital.

6.Professional Memberships:
-Administrator:Ayurveda eOPD
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