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Advice Request
Mudunuru Jagannadha Aditya
Mudunuru Jagannadha Aditya

Mudunuru Jagannadha Aditya

Sr Officer

Simplex Infrastructures Limited


Mudunuru Jagannadha Aditya is a member of:

Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
There Practical Thinking Capacity, Exploration of Ideas, Identifying many ways for a common point, capability in mingling with co-workers and etc.
How Do You Recruit & Retain the diverse and ambitious Generation Y. Are they Really Ambitious?
Not Many, People coming with different back grounds, some see job as place to explore and some see job just as source of income. People who want explore will be more useful than who think of income.

So we have to recruit the Young Generation who are enthusiastic and allow them to explore new ideas.
Advice For Fellow HR Leaders:
I am in a Position of Taking Advise
Pain Points:
Retention and Identifying the suitable candidates. With the developments and requirements of IT & ITES Companies, now a days we found it difficult to get a competent person for other field.
Helping to develop the country
Come out of New Options to explore the talent.

With the use of our good old ancient science and technology, search for options exploring the old with new technology
Relationship with HR and Top Management
HRD shall always act as an adviser and well wisher of CEO
Recommended Reading
Professionals required to update their knowledge of Law by studying the Acts , Books and Websites like Vakilno1 and be part of Community Forums lie cite HR etc..
Identifying and Promoting New Leaders:
Based on their Output, their ability to attract sub ordinates , getting the work done, Time Period etc
HR Challenges:
Non-Availability of Resource persons, Un-Trained college Pass outs, Competition, Diversified field , Changes in Industry, Salary Structures not competing with increase of inflation et.
Improving Education system
Education System in India is absolutely going in a wrong path. Classroom studies never develop a student unless practically exposed. We see many Indian students coming out new inventions and are success in many fields overseas, but why they are not in India. Schools and colleges should encourage Students in learning the lessons practically rather than Theoretically, Many Students whom I see including me are well intrested in attending Practicals in Labs then Theory Classes
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