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Mineshkumar Kantilal Shah
Mineshkumar Kantilal Shah

Mineshkumar Kantilal Shah

Sr. QA Engineer,

Trend Micro


Mineshkumar Kantilal Shah is a member of:

Couple of years from now
Personally, I am not that craving to be something but just concentrate on my work and do honest work and do not do time-pass. As a reward of it, whatever I get, I be happy. Like all of us, I have got more than what I deserve. That's the fact that we always get more than we deserve. In a couple of years from now, I may be a QA Manager but no such hard feeling for it. In my 20+ years of IT journey, I have seen that honest people are not rewarded much than a 'Yes-Man' does. This is a general statement and not specific to any of my previous or current employment.

So I would be at a level where god wants me to be after couple of years from now. I will just concentrate on my job to do it honestly; with the best way to do it and as fast as possible. Means you can say that I will continue doing quality work.
Influenced by
In initial stage of my life, as usual, I was influenced by money. I passed through stages of money like 'money for existence', 'money for comfort', 'money for luxury' and 'money for waste'. This continued till 1992.

In 1992, I started going to 'Swadhyay'. It is known as 'DAY' (Devotional Associates of Yogeshwar' outside India. I started listening 'Pravachan' of DADA (Pandurang Shastri) - the founder of 'Swadhyay' activity. I can feel his extraordinary knowledge, explanation power, crystal clear life and down-to-earth character. These I highly influenced me.

I learned 'way of thinking', 'way of life' and 'way of worship' from him. He changed and shaped my life in a identical way to human being. I have left many bad things till now; and many more to work on.

I was thinking for some 'BABA' to do magic that do everything for me; but got 'DADA' and understood that whatever needs to be done, I will have to do, I need GOD support by helping him in his work & help people living life better.
More about myself
There is a super power in the world that controls everything. Everybody needs his support to make themselves something. That's called 'little extra' and that can change life. In an Olympic race, 1st and 2nd winner have very thin time difference - may be second or fraction of second. We can call it 'little extra' for the 1st winner because both were enough capable.
Important decision
There are some decisions that I made during crucial time.

1) I Accepted a higher designation job but less salary when my financial situation was very bad.

2) Doing PGDCA when there was not much computerization in India (1989).

3) Left stable Indian job in tough financial situation and went to USA on H1B.
My strongest skill
I have solid skills in Software QA and Testing, Project Management, Team Management, Client Communication etc. My Software testing expertise is supported by solid Software Development experience in various languages and platforms.

I am able to work effectively at all organizational levels and have an ability to manage rapid change. I possess a good communication skills and a genuine team player with good organizational and self-management skills.
Degree that I recommend
I possess PGDCA, Manual Testing course and ISTQB certifications and vast development experience; and that should be sufficient as QA. But sky is the limit.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
When we talk about leader, we should remember 'Lord Ganesh'. He is the symbol of leader. Big Head (Think big), Large Ears (Listen everybody), Small Eyes (Concentrate, observe minutely), Rope (To pull your nearer to the highest goal), Small Mouth (Talk less), Trunk (High efficiency and adaptability, smell whatever is going around you), Large Stomach (Peacefully digest all good and bad and keep everything within you and don't expose), Mouse (keep trustworthy people with you to keep yourself with all necessary information) and many more...
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Education means to draw-out.

Education system should draw-out the hidden qualities of a person. There are two kind of educations - bread oriented education and life oriented education. Today all of us have concentrated on bread oriented education. We don't think about life oriented education. Highly educated person is depressed with a small problem due to lack of life oriented education.

Education should be free like ancient India where thousands were studying and staying free in 'Gurukul' and king was sponsoring it.

Today, education has became business and deserving students cannot afford it due to high cost.

Education system should be fair enough to make person strong, fearless and capable to stand in front of anything. Education system should guarantee adequate work to each without any worry.

In Greek, 'Skola' (school) was during leisure time where people were getting together for thinking after work. Today schools became compulsory for work and people do not have time to think
Initiative to develop a country
If we work honestly, use time efficiently, stop playing politics in the company, think global, stop favoritism and project deserving person for a suitable work, stop ignore game + threaten game + many more games and create clean working environment like USA, it will be the great help to the nation.
My role model
My role model is DADA (Pandurang Shastri) because he is having tremendous knowledge and style of working.

I have already written about this in Question-3.
Important lesson learned
Whatever we get in the life - good or bad - we deserve it. It's all our did. Because we are always under observation by super power. So be honest, genuine, hardworking, focused and efficient in the life; and we will be rewarded one way or another without anybody's influence. Believe in yourself and believe in God. Confidence in self and confidence in God always make success.
Brief description about me
My journey to IT field is quiet long. I grew from bottom of my life and have seen more downs than ups. All the time, I have to struggle because of financial situation and limited options. I got many advices as I was poor but had a goal in my mind and; I worked towards the goal ignoring all the inadequate advices.

In difficult situation, I completed graduation and PGDCA. I worked for some reputed organizations in India. Then in 1998 - during Y2K, I got chance to go to USA on H1B. I worked there for 4 years and returned India in 2002.

Then let go software development, I moved to Software Testing in 2005. Now I am working for Trend Micro India.

During my career, I worked for some reputed organizations like Lalbhai Group, Deepak Nitrite Ltd., Sprint PCS, Micro General Corporation - sub company of Chicago Title, Rishabh Software etc.

I am fond of eating and visiting new places. I like adventure hence been to Amarnath and 4-dham yatra. Next year planning for Leh-Ladakh.

Believe in you.
Ensuring success
I always focus on my work, try to do work the best way I can do, think positive, always think of quality, try to be honest all the time and complete the work till it completed and do not keep it pending. I always try to learn new things and try to see things differently.

I saw one movie and remember the dialogue "Don't see what people see, see something different". That helps me in my professional life especially in software testing.
My family background
I am 47 year old and have same age non-working wife. My parents and elder brother are expired. My elder sister is living in Ahmedabad - she is also non-working women.

My wife's parents are also expired. Her elder brother is in Dakor working for Govt. of Gujarat. Her twin sister is in Ahmedabad - she is non-working women.

I born and brought-up in Ahmedabad in a poor family and today you can count me as higher-middle class or rich. My father was an accountant in a private firm having very low salary. I started working after completing my 10th Std. exam and working till today.

I regularly go to Swadhyay and that turned my life. I started working for God and God started working for me and I became rich. As you know, Swadhyay do not give any monitoring benefits. It's a selfless work with own time+tiffin+ticket. But my experience is if you spend for God, God returns it 1000 times. In today's world, people do not believe these but only that works.
My achievements
According to the situations at a respective time, I think below are my achievements.

1) Completed Graduation
2) Completed PGDCA
3) Went to USA on H1B, sustained there and earned good money
4) Grew-up from bottom to today's level - financially, personally and spiritually
5) Gained adequate knowledge in many areas
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