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Advice Request
Manohar B. Shrestha
Manohar B. Shrestha

Manohar B. Shrestha

Project Analyst - Freelancer


More about myself
I have just answered to Q-1 and look forward to remaining questions.
I am from Nepal, so wonder whether you want to proceed further with me?
Important decision
I choose to be the Civil Engineer. Be sincere in your work and life and do your best.
My family background
My father was a teacher, later Head Master in Secondary School. He took care of 3 families, as my 2 uncles passed away early. We are a middle class family. We all got education in public schools/colleges.
One of my cousin is a Medical Doctor.
Sometime back, we got separated due to large number of members.
My daughter has settled down in USA and my son is currently deputed to Standard Chartered Bank at Bangalore.
I have four grand children.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Sincere, good personal relationship, good decisions
Degree that I recommend
Master in Business Administration
My role model
My father for Simple life and high thinking
My strongest skill
Structural Analysis of Buildings at early stage of career, Project Analysis specially Financial Analysis and Sincerity at later stage.
Important lesson learned
I stammer on and off. So, I speak when needed only.
I attended Master in Management in Asian Institute of Management in 1978. We had to participate and discuss cases. I participated little but thought I will get through. At the end of first semester, they decided to stop me there and recommended for Management Development Program.
So, speak as you can and do not take for granted. My son attended the same Master in Management Course at same institute AIM.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
My son got his education in Mount Hermon School at Darjeeling and Ramjhas College, JNU, Delhi. To me, education system in India is good.
Initiative to develop a country
To work sincerely with dedication and devotion.
My achievements
I am a sincere person. I have designed building structures. I have prepared feasibility studies of number of projects and analysed them.
Ensuring success
As a free lancer,I will continue to do the consultancy works.
Couple of years from now
I will continue to work as a freelancer.
Influenced by
My father for sincerity and simple life with high thinking.
Brief description about me
I am a Structural Engineer from Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, USSR in 1968. I attended course on Project Analysis of Industrial Projects in Project Planning Centre, Bradford, UK in 1974. I attended Management Development Program in Asian Institute of Management in 1979.
I planned, developed and supervised Industrial Districts in Nepal.
I appraised industrial/tourism projects for debt financing.
I have prepared feasibility studies on a number of projects.
I got retired after 26 years in service and currently working as a project analyst/ freelancer. Currently, I am associated with Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries as a Consultant to Agriculture Sector Study for the Nepal Investment Year.
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