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Advice Request
Mahesh Chandra Oberoi
Mahesh Chandra Oberoi

Mahesh Chandra Oberoi

Commercial Marketing Purchase

Resigned from Singhania & Sons Pvt Ltd

Done Differently:
I would have been an independent professional from the beginning of my career.
Other Thoughts:
My parents and wife live in Kolkata with me. My children are independent and live abroad. I need to continue working/earning as long as I can to support my family in Kolkata.
Career Profile:
Currently I am seeking a new job , as the Company I have worked with last , had to close down their export operations ( iron ore fines/raw materials ) due to stringency from the Government. I have worked as Commercial Manager , Marketing Manager , Purchase Manager & Business Partner.
Degrees That Matter:
Under the given circumstances from time to time , I have always done well and worked hard in my career. I don't expect to get any further degree or certifications except the appreciation letters that I already have from my previous companies.
Growth Strategy:
I am doing my best to get a good suitable job in Kolkata , though I am now of a slight senior age ( almost 59 years ). I wish to continue working and stay busy as long as my health will allow. As of now I am completely fit mentally and physically.
Required Reading:
Marketing , Procurement , Automobiles , Steel & Power Industry , Raw Materials , Electronics , Export , Import , Logistics.
The Decisions That Matter
Joining my Family business immediately after completion of my education and then dissolving the Family business 32 years later due to family separations , taking up jobs and now looking for a suitable job.
Working Life Management:
I spend a lot of time on working ( specially job searching now ) on the internet , telephone calls , newspapers etc. I spend some valuable time with my family . I do a lot of swimming , socialize and entertain well.
Plans For The Future:
Hopefully I will get a good job soon enough and will continue to live a hard working , happy & healthy life.
Advice For New Professionals:
Having a good education and good attitude towards work is a healthy sign.
So they should make use of these and look to prosper well in terms of career , good health and family life and being useful to people in general.
Job Profile:
The recent job ( which I left due to closure of the Company's export business ) I did involved many Commercial activities including procurement,Govt licenses & permissions for movement and export of raw materials from mines to ports and then shipped out. I now seek a new job in Kolkata.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I have worked well during business times and service times.
My children are well educated and well settled abroad.
I maintain a good social status .
Role Model:
A Role Model can be one who has developed himself over the years through hard work and certain inborn skills. But in most cases a Role Model is a person who really is more God gifted and fortunate than the average people who may have worked/strived equally hard. Matter of fact , I inspire only mysel
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