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Advice Request
Kjs Bakshi
Kjs Bakshi

Kjs Bakshi




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Required Reading:
GOOGLE ... If you are perfect in Google search it answers all your problems. In our times Google was not there. Today Google has status of GOD for all professionals for all industries.
Job Profile:
I started CALL10 in 2003 Today CALL10 is a leading Executive Search company based out of Mumbai. We work for almost 100 MNC clients. CALL10 is a growing Talent Acquisition, Talent management and Learning transfer organization based out of New Mumbai. We are proud to have the reputation of one of the best manpower suppliers pan India. What set us apart is the non- compromising gesture for quality and sincerity towards our client. We have never stopped striving to be the best let it be in providing Manpower, HR/OD interventions, Computer applications & programmes Training or Behavioral trainings pan India.

Our mission is to become premier HR solution company. Which is extended arm of all our clients which support them in resourcing, HR & OD consulting and Manpower Development Trainings.
Family Background
one wife one son one daughter .... all married and well settled in life.
Growth Strategy:
Trying to find a suitable leader who can take over from me and I can shift to my other hobby ie travelling. As soon I get a competent person who can take over and accept challenges I will shift to travel and explore the world and learn more and more. Want to gain new experiences in the world.
Done Differently:
Not interested to look back. Life is a challenge. It need to be faced as it comes. There is no copy book to success in life. Every day brings in a new situation and every new situation brings in a new challenge.
Plans For The Future:
Surely on the next mile stone of my career .... learning from travel.
The Decisions That Matter
Most important decision was to start my own company after working for various organisations at All India and International levels for 20 Years. This was major decision and a big risk also but touch wood it proved to be right. My all experiance of corporate world helped me establish own venture successfully
Contribution to the field
so many accomplishments are there but it is not possible to name them. Biggest is starting own venture and standing successfully there in absolute competition.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Absolutely. Professional environment has changed drastically. 35 years back manufacturing was dominating and ruling the economic scene. Today Software is ruling. all rules of economics and business have changed upside down and all thought process also have changed. you can not go back and create new business now. Today world is different ... technology is changed .... systems are changed ... the way business is done is completely changed. complete outlook has changed.
Professional Strengths:
Career Profile:
As owner Director my responsibility is to manage complete company in all respects. Business, Top line and bottom line growth, Employee satisfaction, Client satisfaction, timely deliveries. Most important is that complete business is conducted in most legal, ethical and moral manner. Some time we loose money because of these fundamental principals. But I always realise that in short we loose money but in longterm these principals get us our clients back and we are able to make financial profits along with customer satisfactions.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Starting own venture and my overall risk taking abilities. Absolute resilience power which keeps me going.
Other Thoughts:
long with this I am attached with some corporate social activities. Member of Rotary International and doing several projects for slum area schools. Where we provide computer labs to under privileged schools. I have own Computer Education institute also where in we give computer training to poor and orphan students on very nominal fees. Try to help society and underprivileged at our level best whatever we can do for their professional education.
The Journey So Far:
35 years ..... started as trainee in a steel mill and from production I switched to sales and marketing as along the time I realized that Sales suits my temperament more than operations. Touch wood decision proved to be right and scaled new heights in my career. Then on a senior positions again operations experiance came in handy and was given SBU responsibilities and profit centre head responsibilities. In my career I learnt that key to success is TEAM BUILDING. just build a winning combination and drive them and see to it that TEAM will fire all situations and WIN all matched for you.

After successes in corporate world took a major risk in my life and started own company. All experience was very handy and was able to manage own business very successfully. It changed the scenario and own business gave sense of satisfaction along with commercial success. Life started running very well but own business have its own consequences also.
Role Model:
You can not copy any one ... as journey of life is different for every one....... make some fundamental principals of life and always stick to them what may come ....If you compromise with those principals you will FAIL in life ... if you stick to your principals ... you may get temporary set backs .... but you will always bounce back and finally you will be successful and winner in life.
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