
Kavitha Selvaraju

Kavitha Selvaraju

About Kavitha Selvaraju

I am kavitha. I have completed my MCA during 2011. I am searching for a job. And i done a SAP - ABAP course. I have a preseverance. I am a self motivated. I will be the best in every endeavor I take, every single day. I have a great passion for learning and exploring the domain of IT.

Kavitha Selvaraju ’s experience

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Kavitha Selvaraju ’s education

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Kavitha Selvaraju ’s additional information

Learning about new things, travelling, working with laptop, solving Sudoku and listening to music.
Awards and achievements:
Endeavored a Multimedia presentation that was memorable and which enabled present all class student’s behavioral skills in 2010. Won the Second Prize in Painting from Bharathiyar Arts and Science College for Women in 2007. Was an NSS Volunteer from 2005-08 in Bharathiyar Arts and Science
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