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Advice Request
Kapil Dhingra
Kapil Dhingra

Kapil Dhingra

Managing Director

Amaroo Buildcon Pvt Ltd


Kapil Dhingra is a member of:

Working Life Management:
I think if you work for a longer period, you start to understand the value of time management, and If your percept the same to your team, your work load will become lighter and you start managing you work and life in a balanced way.
Plans For The Future:
Our Vision is to be the number one service provider in the field of Real Estate with every solution to make people relax about their dream home. In present real state scenario, market has grown competitive and sailing your ship is not a cake walk. But Passion to build unmatched structures with innovative designs, fresh ideas, beautiful aesthetics and high end technology will make us reach here.
The Decisions That Matter
In my views Every decision you take either in personal life and professional life is important, because it is not only you who is dependent on your decision, But your family is related with it. And When I decided to shift to a cross industry, I was confident enough that I will hit the deck, and When I started Amaroo Buildcon, I thought that this is the only opportunity I got it through my entire career, to make my co workers, my family…
Required Reading:
Shiv khera :- You Must win
Dale Carnegie : - The Leader in you
Robert Kiyosaki :- Rich Dad Poor Dad
Job Profile:
My role has been to help strengthen Amaroo’s presence in Real estate world and to steer the organization towards our determined development plans in the coming years. I work closely with the Team Heads in addressing the concerns of Our Company. I direct the overall direction of the company. Specifically I direct the Sales and Marketing efforts for the company. As we operate in a niche market, which necessitate constant innovation, and where the competition from the big players is very high; I am also focusing on creating leaders in the organization who could steer the company in times to come.
Family Background
My Father is in real estate business from 35 years :-
My Elder Brother has a showroom of Landscaping Fountains
The Journey So Far:
My journey in Corporate world is the mix n match of the flavors as I am a Cross Industry Professional, I started my career with Sales and Marketing with a Banking Industry, then I moved recruitment Industry for an extensive period, Then a sudden change brought me to the real estate world and I became the Co-founder of Cosmic Structures Limited. After two years of consolidated efforts with my Cosmic founders, I decided to accelerate with my own team, and create my own Family i.e. Amaroo Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Every Person in the world is always proud of the accomplishments achieved in his entire life, But here I will discuss the recent achievement by setting benchmark in a sales without any understanding of Real estate world, to Perform as leader every month on a sales chart from the day I became co founder of the organization namely Cosmic Structures Limited.
Growth Strategy:
Hiring and retaining the right talent help the organizations to grow and achieve what it looks for.
My commitments to admit my mistakes to work on that permit me to carry on becoming better than what I was. A sustained tough temperament, veracity, passion to deliver
under pressure, standing meticulously to motivate my team and being entirely altruistic will capitulate an unswerving show. Knack of People management generates and mounts effective teams added to the same, which ensure me to grow and develop as a Leader
Done Differently:
I think I will remain the same and will do the same as what I am doing, Yes change is a part of life and one should accept it when it is required, But think I am Very much satisfied with my career and the decision I have made in my life, And When you faces the hindrances you know what you have to do to remove them.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
When I started, as the sales professional we had some different platform of sales. We had ample time for self-learning and experimentation. We had limited opportunities to reach people
work on real-time basis.
Nowadays the situation is different. Now we are running above the time and everything need to performed and deliver in a shorter time of span. Yes the number of platforms and technologies has enlarged. For aspiring professionals and learners, resources are galore on the Internet, but still a upcoming professional has to struggle to match his speed with the required performance.
Role Model:
He is Mr. Narendra Modi for me, His leadership skills and capabilities always inspire to do something Big and great towards the people who are relying on you, either they are my employees or the customers
Career Profile:
As a Managing Director my task is to develop into the Leading Real Estate Player in the Indian market. From Identifying the best locations, marketing and Sales to a different level in different ways, I do all for my venture. Providing best deals to the Property seekers, Investors and People finding their dream home.
Yes it is different from my last profile As a Chief Mentor to My Amaroo family I have to take care of each member in my family, their needs, their performance, their progress and even my Company Brand Image in front of the World.
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